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10-year-old rape victim denied abortion in OH
(07-18-2022, 02:51 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: I disagree with your 5 month option.
98-99% of abortions are done in the first trimester. So it makes perfect sense so use that as the guide.

Viable???? We are barely considered reasonably viable at the child stage? So by your definition mothers should be able to abort their children up to what age?

Finger nails are DEAD cells, no purpose in this conversation other than a distraction.

The Life cycle of a human being starts with fertilization, has various stages then ends with death. it's not that complicated. You are trying to over complicate it by trying to add philosophical terms to limit/define make it fit for your beliefs. A convict in Jail has their personhood taken away, does that mean they are no longer a human being?

Look it's the way our reproductive system is designed, the whole process from start to finish, if you got a problem with that, take it up with God, or who ever you think designed us, it is the way it is, and beyond our abilities to change. 

Cancer cells are alive, they grow and multiply, problem is they don't die like they should.
Viruses don't contain ribosomes, that is what is needed to produce proteins independently, they also require a host in order to turn it into a virus making factory.
Bacteria is a living cell. It is classified as a living organism, but it does not evolve into a human being.

The number is 93% according to the latest CDC information. The 99% is the first two trimesters combined. 

The fingernail root is a constantly producing living cells that provide the nail with nutrients, with growth occurring as of continuous result of living cell production.

Personhood is simply the state of being a person . Do you think someone ceasing being a person when they go to prison?- 

You confusing the human life cycle -- which categorizes stages from conception to death-- with assigning personhood at the moment of conception. The two things have nothing to do with each other, no matter how hard people try to make it seems otherwise. 

I can show you the stages of a vehicle's life cycle, but that doesn't make the blueprint a vehicle. You're confusing the map for the place, as conception does not equal a person. It could potentially lead to a person, but it doesn't start as one.


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RE: 10-year-old rape victim denied abortion in OH - Lucidus - 07-18-2022, 08:54 PM

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