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Does Biden Have Positive Approval Rating Anywhere?
(07-20-2022, 07:54 AM)HarleyDog Wrote: Well, you could see it that way since no matter what the thread topic, Trump seems to be brought to the forefront of the discussion. And, since Biden sucks so bad, many who voted for him refuse to take responsibility that they only voted for him because he wasn’t Trump. Sooo…. Yes, I believe B-Rad may be on to something. To answer your question directly, yes they do. However, not verbally.

The only reason Trump keeps coming up in Biden threads (also known as Brad Threads, since he's the only one who makes threads about Biden) is because at the end of each post, he almost always prompts something along the lines of "Do you liberals miss Trump yet?!?!"

Which, you know....obviously we don't. Not because he hurt our feelings. It more has to do with the fact that his election and subsequent unqualified judge appointments set back women's rights 50 years (and could potentially set back gay rights and maybe even contraception access as well), he gave tax cuts to rich people and corporations, he is against clean energy in any form and that he keeps trying to subvert democracy. He has other policy issues, but those are 4 big ones.

Sure, he's also a racist, misogynistic piece of shit who lies more often than he breaths, but those are all kind of tangential. If he was all those things but actually helped people I wouldn't mind it so much. But with his bad policies and beliefs, his awful personality is kind of just the cherry on top of the garbage sundae that is Donald J. Trump.

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RE: Does Biden Have Positive Approval Rating Anywhere? - CJD - 07-20-2022, 01:44 PM

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