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Does Biden Have Positive Approval Rating Anywhere?
(07-20-2022, 01:17 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: I think you underestimate the Cyclopean failure the Biden admin and the left have left the American people in just 1.5yrs (Damn, seems like much longer).
I'm hoping people see it but, like I keep saying, the country is filled with a bunch of snowflakes that vote based on emotion.
(07-20-2022, 01:21 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Yea but that is talking right now, the idea of this thread is that people voted for Biden because Trump was mean and hurt their feelings.  What is Trump doing to fix this to ensure he doesn't lose for the same reason in 2024?
He doesn't have to do anything because Biden is screwing us so bad that people that have even two brain cells to rub together are realizing how screwed we are under Biden and the Democrats.

I'm pretty sure the red wave that's coming in November will further prove that.
(07-20-2022, 01:44 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: The only reason Trump keeps coming up in Biden threads (also known as Brad Threads, since he's the only one who makes threads about Biden) is because at the end of each post, he almost always prompts something along the lines of "Do you liberals miss Trump yet?!?!"

Which, you know....obviously we don't. Not because he hurt our feelings. It more has to do with the fact that his election and subsequent unqualified judge appointments set back women's rights 50 years (and could potentially set back gay rights and maybe even contraception access as well), he gave tax cuts to rich people and corporations, he is against clean energy in any form and that he keeps trying to subvert democracy. He has other policy issues, but those are 4 big ones.

Sure, he's also a racist, misogynistic piece of shit who lies more often than he breaths, but those are all kind of tangential. If he was all those things but actually helped people I wouldn't mind it so much. But with his bad policies and beliefs, his awful personality is kind of just the cherry on top of the garbage sundae that is Donald J. Trump.

And you play right into it with bashing Trump on things that are untrue.

How is he racist? Because he wants to protect our southern border?

Another fail.

Or is he racist because, under his presidency, black unemployment and black poverty reached record lows, black household median incomes rose 4,000, black household ownership rose 47%, passed sweeping criminal-justice reform, or helped to strengthen historically black colleges and universities?

Another fail.

Also, a woman has a "right" to kill a baby that she played a 50% role in producing? 

Anyways, if you had the slightest idea of what you were talking about, you'd know that the judges did their jobs and followed the constitution, which is their job to do, and found that the constitution doesn't have the power to rule on abortion and made it a state matter. So the judges he appointed are following the law of the land, and you have a problem with that and that's Trump's fault?

You're proving my point of the thread and what everyone above you bashed me for saying: that people just wrongfully blame everything on Trump and voted based off of emotion.

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RE: Does Biden Have Positive Approval Rating Anywhere? - BFritz21 - 07-20-2022, 02:44 PM

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