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Mass Shooting at San Antonio Elementary School
(08-01-2022, 11:50 AM)Nately120 Wrote: People expecting the party that is campaigning on reducing or eliminating our right to vote to allow us to own the means to overthrow them are living in a fantasy land, by my estimation.

I'll worry about the GOP trying to take away people's guns when they actually start advocating for it and passing legislation to do it.

Quote:As for bump stocks bring a range toy, arent most guns just range toys?  If you're lucky they should be. Just seems like a slippery slope to let the government decide what we "don't really need" in regards to guns.  

No, a "range toy" is something that's fun to use at the range but has no practical real world application.  Of course the vast majority of gun owners hope to never have to use their weapons in anger, but that doesn't make their firearm a range toy.

Quote:But a republican did it and made gun grabbing remarks, so 74 million votes. 

I think you're underestimating how much anger their was over the bump stock ban.  I'm sure it cost Trump some votes, who knows, maybe that was the reason he lost some swing states?  Regardless, he did far more for the 2A community in his SCOTUS picks, which have already given the community the ruling they need to tear down the unconstitutional laws enacted in many blue states.  "Assault weapon" bans, magazine bans, ammo purchasing restrictions, they're all going bye bye.  If you actually read Thomas' ruling he eliminated the use of two step scrutiny for 2A cases, which means all the 9th circuit rulings in favor of restrictions are done, because they exclusively relied on two step scrutiny to justify their rulings.  Thomas knew exactly what he was writing and the effect it would have, it's just that most gun grabbers don't realize it yet.  Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if the NFA gets struck down by this SCOTUS.

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RE: Mass Shooting at San Antonio Elementary School - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 08-01-2022, 12:04 PM

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