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The ride is just beginning ....
(12-07-2015, 06:24 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: Based upon what you know, that's all anyone can base anything on. If you don't believe the story, post something that contradicts the OP.

Look, I know Lucie(sp?) is a "Knee jerk" poster and he really needs to start researching some of these stories but to just attack the poster rather than the post isn't the way to win arguments. and by research I mean actual research as in opposing views and whatnot.

The research I have done only shows one side of a story (mainly from political and religious based websites) with no legal records of the case ever being found or referenced. You'd think there would be a follow up with the actual charges based on court records and not just second hand hearsay. I did find the letter from the brother, which interestingly enough, doesn't seem to highlight the religious part(mentions the radical part in passing) but rather mention the kids told wild stories about abuse and shaking babies. The brothers stance actually seems to be more so they took the kids based of wild lies by children. If they were being religiously persecuted don't you think it would have had more than 3 sentences of a 28 paragraph letter about the religious part? It sounds like the principal called in protective services more so because of the children's strange behavior rather than the families religious views, and that is what started it all.

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RE: The ride is just beginning .... - Au165 - 12-08-2015, 09:51 AM

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