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Biden Asks For A Dead Congresswoman!
(10-08-2022, 10:26 AM)rfaulk34 Wrote: Brad, i would tell you that you should be concerned at your gross ignorance, be it willful or not, but i know it will get me or anyone nowhere so i'm not going to do it. The truth of the matter though, is that there is so much factual information to dispel your love of Trump vs his misdeeds that even someone with a TBI should easily be able to see it. 

To your point, Biden is old and showing signs of poor mental health. He doesn't belong in the oval office just like Trump didn't belong in the Oval Office. 

Back to my original point. Due to the number of people in P&R that do the same thing you do, i generally avoid this place like the plague, which is sad because there are plenty of people here to have civil, educational discussions with but overall, it's like standing at the scene of a bad car wreck and having half of the people try to tell me that there was no car wreck, i just don't know what i'm looking at.

This will be my one and only post to you about this issue because your next step will be to ask me for proof, which i could easily and logically provide (as MANY have done in the past) but you will just ignore it and chalk it up as a personal attack or me not having said proof, which i already know is wrong. 

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Seriously? You're claiming that my TBI affects my mental abilities to see things like a normal person and then say that it's not a personal attack?

I don't have a love for Trump; I have a love for our country and putting the best people in position to lead it. Biden's clearly unfit. His latest display of mental decline was when he said "Let me start off with two words: Made in America."

Why didn't Trump belong in the Oval Office? Because he hurt people's feelings? That's exactly what got Biden elected: people voting on emotion instead of what's best for the country.

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RE: Biden Asks For A Dead Congresswoman! - BFritz21 - 10-08-2022, 01:48 PM

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