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Diabetes- The Money's In The Treatment, Not The Cure
(10-18-2022, 09:49 AM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: Education on the matter (in regards to diet) is tons more important than meds.

My father has been type-2 diabetic for 20 years now (or 19) and his father (my grandfather), for 40 years until he died. He was diagnosed in the 60s or 70s and his late brother had it, both of his twin sisters had/have it (one is still alive) as well. They took/take their meds, as they didn't really care about their diet (my grandfather regularly had ice cream, fried foods, etc., until his death). Don't have many fine details on the 3 siblings though, as they've never left Italy; just know that they didn't hold back on indulging.

My father takes 2 pills a day for insulin help, but his diet is such that he can go DAYS without taking any pill and his BS will be at a good level (but my father likes to indulge here and there, which forces him to be vigilant with his meds). I used to work with an elderly Argentinian lady that was diagnosed and then 8 months later, through diet, completely reversed any ill effects and effectively wasn't diabetic anymore.

For type-1, you NEED insulin, so that's a bit different and just seeing the nature of things, I don't think that can be cured (how can your body produce what isn't there?), but I am not educated-enough on type-1 to have any strong opinions on the matter. But for type-2, eat properly and then Big Pharma won't be making nearly as much as they are.

And **** Ozempic. What a terrible med.

Curious what your issue is with Ozempic?

FWIW, I have been Type II for 11 years or so. My diet isn't great, but could be much worse. My issue definitely lies in the genes as well and there are some additional complications I can thank the US government for that make it what it is (my condition is very similar to my father's, which was linked to his contact with Agent Orange in Vietnam, which means it was a mutation that was genetically passed to me). That being said, I will be having a sleeve gastrectomy in 29 days, so we'll see what happens.
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RE: Diabetes- The Money's In The Treatment, Not The Cure - Belsnickel - 10-18-2022, 12:38 PM

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