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we need to stop sexual talk in schools
(12-17-2022, 04:52 PM)Leon Wrote: ive been reading an hearing so many cases of this lately an its real disurbing. they are teaching sexual stuff in schools that has no place. they are pushing kids to come up with pronouns and saying there gay or trans or such even if the kids aint. they are forcing these little kids to talk and think about stuff that is way past there years an its creepy an needs to be made illegal. what kind of teacher or schoolthinks its ok to push sex an sexual ideas on little kids. it aint right an they do it even when parents are against it.

why are they doing this. what are they wanting these little kids to be. just think about how creepy this is. something has to be done to stop this. teach school subjects not sexual stuff. thats not your job unless you got alterior motives. teachers who are doing this need fired immideatly and schools should get huge fines.

we would not tolerate any other adults talking about sexual stuff with little kids so why are we allowing this to happen

The assertions, outrage and vitriol directed at schools / teachers by a certain segment of conservatives is rather befuddling. The grooming conspiracies seem altogether an invention derived from a combination of ignorance, incredulity, intentional misinformation and narrative manipulation. However, the most vile aspect of the "grooming paranoia" is that it's entirely hypocritical and disingenuous at it's core.

Curiously, they do not target nor obsess over actual instances of child abuse, grooming or molestation. Where is the right's condemnation of the Catholic Church, who is still very much embroiled in coverups and investigatory interference -- see the situation in Canada over the past year as a prime example. Where is the righteous indignation over the numerous, ever-increasing cases of protestant clergy being caught possessing child porn? How about the insidious history and continued findings concerning the Boy Scouts of America?

It's rather amusing -- in the most disturbing of ways -- to observe such focused infatuation on a politically motivated concoction of absurdities, while they turn a blind eye to the actual and demonstrable cases occurring all around them.


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RE: we need to stop sexual talk in schools - Lucidus - 12-18-2022, 01:55 PM

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