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Syrian family in Germany orders a hit on their own daughter
(12-14-2015, 10:15 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Also, why is this in PnR?

Often times we post stories that relate to a political issue or law in the US, but, other than the fact that they are Muslims who came from Syria who did a bad thing, what is the point of this? Family members kill family members on a regular basis.

And let's just let more people in that believe in Honor Killing?

(12-14-2015, 11:17 AM)GMDino Wrote: And, as I said, no one wants this to happen.

But the next time Lucy posts about something other than a brown person with a funny name and different religion doing one of these crazy things will be the first.

Why can't we hate people for what they do and not what group they are part of?

Oh, right...because they "aren't like us".

If it was religion based, how ever Honor Killing pre-dates Islam. Because it is still heavily practiced in the Middle Eastern Countries, we tend to associate it with Islam.

The Quran makes no mention of Honor Killing. If so, then why don't the Muslims in Indonesia actively practice it? Instead, they call it like it is, Murder.

(12-14-2015, 11:28 AM)Benton Wrote: Which is exactly the problem we're having with a great of these Islamaphobia threads. They don't belong elsewhere on the board, and really they don't even belong in PnR as they aren't discussing politics or religion, they're just being used to whip up fear over a religion. This thread doesn't offer much toward discussion or furthering any conversations, it's just the latest attempt to make people scared.

So we can't talk about issues that are happening in the world right now?

(12-14-2015, 11:33 AM)Benton Wrote: The cops don't know = he ran off.
A sexual assault victim says her family thinks she deserves to die = A sexual assault victim's family put a hit on her
Author attempting to sell a book surrounding unprovable accusations = fact


Lucie, you are the worst terrorist I know. You do nothing but further the efforts of those who want everyone in fear.

Honor killing, if it was indeed that, has to be carried out by a family member or the honor is not restored. The only one that typically will be exempted is when the father/mother kill their off spring. The girl stated prior to the killing that her family wanted her dead because it was an honor thing. It's pretty safe to assume that her family (father did the actual deed) did it, and this needs to be brought to light by the author so that people can get an understanding of it and address it properly instead of blowing it off because a teenage girl says her family will kill her (as Americans, when we hear teenage girls say that, we know that in most cases it's an exaggeration), but not in this girls culture.

(12-14-2015, 02:33 PM)GMDino Wrote: Yet if someone were to point out any other religious sect doing something horrible as a comparison it would be wrong.

This is a tragic story.  We should be more concerned for the victim than trying to place blame due to the alleged perpetrators religion.  Right?

Honor Killings are not a religious practice.

(12-14-2015, 02:57 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: If religion wasn't involved then this girl would be alive be still


(12-14-2015, 04:20 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: No, it's not relevant to PnR because it's a single murder 5,000 miles away and the OP didn't attempt to relate it to any real policy issue. Maybe we should have inferred that it was another one of his "I really hate Muslims and here is why" post, but a single Muslim family killing their daughter doesn't really say much in terms of indicating a pattern that we can expect with an influx of Syrian refugees. 

Is it just that? So would it be ok to use the 100,000 Somali Refugees from the 80's as a model of what to expect in 20+ years?

(12-14-2015, 04:22 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: So your reasoning for posting this in PnR is that a significant number of Syrian refugees believe that their religion compels them to murder their female relatives if they are raped. 

And your evidence is one death?

Not religion, a culture belief. How many deaths does it take?
It is estimated that there is 23-27 Honor Killings annually here in the US. Is that enough?

(12-14-2015, 04:47 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: People of all religions are killing family members in the US. If you want to present this as a major problem and one we need to discuss, please do. So just saying "I guess they think this is OK in the West", it means nothing. By your logic, it is OK in the West as Americans kill people over religion too. 

But when you reference one isolated case in another country 5000 miles away, it comes off as another "I really hate Muslims" thread. 

It's not a religious thing, it's a cultural one.
It is unfortunate the Muslims commit 91% of the honor killings world wide, and that almost all of those Muslims came from the Middle East.

I could list a bunch of honor killings that have happened here in the US, but I think we are all capable of google'ing them ourselves.

FGM is very wise spread as well and needs to be addressed and unfortunately is also practiced the most by people from the Middle East as well.

One of the biggest problems is that the police don't know how to properly identify cases with honor killing, most of the time, they just classify them as domestic disputes. We need to figure out a way to start distinguishing them from the normal domestic disputes.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Syrian family in Germany orders a hit on their own daughter - Mike M (the other one) - 12-15-2015, 04:55 PM

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