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Syrian family in Germany orders a hit on their own daughter
Quote:So we can't talk about issues that are happening in the world right now?

Honor killing, if it was indeed that, has to be carried out by a family member or the honor is not restored. The only one that typically will be exempted is when the father/mother kill their off spring. The girl stated prior to the killing that her family wanted her dead because it was an honor thing. It's pretty safe to assume that her family (father did the actual deed) did it, and this needs to be brought to light by the author so that people can get an understanding of it and address it properly instead of blowing it off because a teenage girl says her family will kill her (as Americans, when we hear teenage girls say that, we know that in most cases it's an exaggeration), but not in this girls culture.

To the first, sure. And if it's a political or religious issue, then this is the place for it.

To the bold, no she didn't. At least not according to the OP.

Quote:He listened to a tape she made in which she said: 'I was taken by three men. Ever since that time my family have regarded me as unclean. 
'My mother and my brothers mistreat me. They say that I deserve to die.'

Saying she deserved death and that they were going to kill her are different. It's also third hand hearsay.

Second, the only one accusing it of being an honor killing is the author... who presumably has a profit motive.
Third, my wife was a SANE nurse. I worked courts for several years. You never assume anything in a sexual assault case.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Syrian family in Germany orders a hit on their own daughter - Benton - 12-15-2015, 05:12 PM

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