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Syrian family in Germany orders a hit on their own daughter
(12-15-2015, 07:52 PM)Benton Wrote: To the bold, yeah. That's a motive to make it more than it might be. Profit. Books are written for money, otherwise it's just a collection of writings.

And why's it a lot to grasp? It could be her offender (if there was one) killed her and buried her. That would seem the obvious suspect. Or maybe the writer did it.

As far as the assumption, the point being that you can't assume anything about the assault. You can't assume it happened, or that it didn't. You can't assume that she was assaulted by three men and not one or not 15. You can't assume she wasn't just involved with three guys and claimed it was an assault to save face.

In a sexual assault case — which is what the author was claiming set off an honor killing — you can't assume anything.

So you have to look at the facts about the murder. They're few. Basically all you've got is a girl who may have been assaulted and said her family made her feel bad about it, and she ended up dead. That's not much.

Isn't that a bit of a generalization?

I guess that is an option that he killed her, but she only got killed once she left the women's house and returned to her family (and of course the guy was able to bury her on her family's allotment with out them noticing). Now the family (other than the mother) are no where to be found. If they were truly innocent, then they would be attempting to prove their innocence. I guess it is possible that they believe that they were framed, but that's a highly unlikely scenario. Now go back and look at some of the information.

The girl clearly states that she heard it from a friend that a hit had been put out on her by her mother.

I'm done arguing with you about this, we will have to agree to disagree. I see it as pretty clear cut for what I think it is. You disagree.

How is it a bit of a generalization?
The excuses they have for murdering their family members "specifically girls":
"suspicion of intimacy with another man"
"sexually assaulted" 
"being in the presence of a male that is not a relative"
"talking to boys that family disapproves of"
"refusing an arranged marriage"
"seeking divorce"
"becoming too westernized"

All of these are acceptable to the Western Society and happen frequently, yet killing someone for one of these infractions is pretty rare and usually done as more of a "heat of the moment crime of passion". The majority of the honor killings are more premeditated than "heat of the moment".

(12-16-2015, 10:20 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote:  I was asking for some relevance to his post beyond his dislike for Muslims and he could not supply it. 

If he wants to discuss honor killings in the US, he can. Though the whole 23 honor killings a year compared to total number of family on family murder in this country seems to suggest that it isn't something unique to Syria. 

That is correct, it is not just limited to Syria, but it is fairly limited to people that come from the Middle Eastern Countries. So bringing more people here from the ME could increase that number, if we aren't proactive about protecting the girls and informing the families that this behavior is unacceptable in this country.

BTW, that 23-27 annually, is what is reported, who knows how many are actually not reported.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Syrian family in Germany orders a hit on their own daughter - Mike M (the other one) - 12-16-2015, 01:32 PM

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