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Santos admits he lied about everything...still won't step down from office.
Being a bold face liar is the new norm for the GOP.  
Lindsay Graham- Hold the tape, we will not allow a SCOTUS nominee in an election year;

Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, etc- We had nothing to do with the insurrection of Jan 6th, it was ANTIFA;

Donald J Trump:  The big election lie, and everything else that has ever come outta his Con artist mouth.  Due to Trump's malignant narcissism, he has single handily done more damage to American Democracy and our Constitution than the Russians or Chinese could have ever dreamed.  Nazi propagandist minister Joseph Goebbels: "If you tell a big enough lie, and keep repeating it over and over--People will start to believe it."

FOX News:  Admitted in open court they report things they know are false b/c that's what their viewers want to hear, and they are tabloid media designed for entertainment purposes only ;

Tucker Carlson:  Argued in a court of law, He cannot be held liable for slander, b/c no reasonable person would ever believe a word he says. A Judge agreed with Tuckers and Fox news defense of being Tabloid media and is for entertainment purposes only;

Sean Hannity:  Admitted last week while under oath in a court of law that,  Trump knew he lost and he knew Trump lost, but Sean Hannity promoted Trump's Big election lie b/c he didn't want to lose viewers to ONN.  Hannity said he was directed by Fox executives to promote Trump's Big election lie b/c they knew their viewers would leave to NewsMax or ONN.  When Hannity was asked if promoting Trump's Big Election lie was against his moral compass, he refused to answer the question thus acquiescing to the fact he, Fox, and Trump are liars.  

The list goes on and on, so we shouldn't be surprised today's GOP would stand up by doing the right thing and tell Santos to get lost.

This is not your Granddaddy's GOP of Ronald Reagan or George H W Bush. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Santos admits he lied about everything...still won't step down from office. - BIGDADDYFROMCINCINNATI - 01-19-2023, 08:40 PM

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