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***(AFCCG) PLAYOFF GameDay Thread - Bengals @ Chiefs***
(01-30-2023, 12:30 AM)Housh Wrote: 2 things can be true at once

The refs can suck and we can not have stepped up at the same time

Absolutely. They had their chances to go take it despite all the bs calls and no calls they were facing. The holds on the mahomes run and the block in the back on punt return the no call on Clark shoving Burrow late or on whoever it was that put all his weight on him and calling grounding when Perine was in the area. That all happened it wasn't a mirage but despite it all they had it to take but just couldn't grab it. 

At some point something has to be done about refs and the impacts they have on these games. That's 2 years in a row they played way to big of a role in the losses to end the year. Has to be called out and somehow the NFL needs to find a way to make it better because too often these refs play to big a part in the outcome of these games. Last year a phantom hold on Wilson gives the Rams 4 more shots for the super bowl now this year so many bad calls and no calls helps keep them from getting another Crack at it.

If they're gonna lose I just want the game to be lost from plays being made or not, not because some ref decided to throw a flag sometimes but others they didn't or because they throw a phantom holding call when they couldn't have seen a hold because it never happened. Shouldn't ever be throwing flags for something you think you saw, only when you know you saw it. Couldn't have possibly saw Wilson hold in the super bowl because he absolutely didn't. Just like tonight after giving them another 3rd down shot after both teams had punt personnel on field already it was a horrible call on Hilton. 

Need to stop calling the games different in the regular season than they do in the post season too. Call the damn things consistently every week for every team. All the damn money the NFL has and makes they can improve the quality of officiating and regardless of the teams people need to call it out to try to create changes for the better because bs happens way to much that impacts the outcomes of games. Maybe using some of that dough to get full time officials instead of bonus checks for Goodell and other executives would help but no way they'd ever do that right. 

I'm just pissed how the season ended again. Much rather just get beat than have someone other than the people on the field having such an impact on the outcome, especially when the impact they have seems suspect because way too many little things seemed to go in 1 teams way. Little things like the awful spot when it was clearly a 1st down but they mark it short making cincy lose time and a time out. They did the same thing twice to Cincy in the Super Bowl. The last drive Perine was stoned right at the yellow mark to make it 2nd or 3rd and 1 when it should have at the very least been 2nd or 3rd and inches. But they spotted it a yard farther back. Maybe the game ends differently if they dont screw em with the spot there. Did it to them early in the super bowl too. I think it was the drive Joe didnt see Tee wide open for the easy 1st down on 4th and 1 and tried to get it to chase quick but it got batted down. If not that drive it was an early one that turned into a punt or failed 4th down that should have been a 1st if spotted correctly. 

Little things like that most people won't remember but ended up being huge in the end. Tee looked to be out of bounds on that same drive tonight and they called him in and kept clock running costing more time. Of course CBS didn't even bother showing the replay on either. Noticed that happening alot lately. The TV stations weren't showing replays of plays that could benefit Cincy and when they were it was when it was too late and nothing could be done about it. Trust me I'm not making it up, if anyone has tv copies of the games going back to around the Bills Monday night game forward watch em and you'll see I'm not making it up. Hell send me the files and I'll re-watch em and clip em all out because trust me it happened more than a few times. Those 2 bad calls on little stuff tonight very well cost em 4 points only having 8 seconds from the 4 yard line with no time outs instead of having 30 seconds and a timeout left. Like I said they're things alot of people won't remember but definitely had a big impact on the scoreboard in the end. Just tired of the bs. It's not just Cincy either it happens way too often. I thought the refs did a pretty good job of screwing the 9ers over earlier today. It was pretty bad with the 1 sided calls in that game. They were tossing flags on the 9ers for everything but letting the Eagles get away with the same damn thing over and over. Prob wouldnt have mattered much in that game since they were damn near getting ready to have to put McCaffery in at qb but who knows maybe it does play out different. No doubt that they officiated the game that way tgough. For Christ's sake I heard them talking about sensors in the balls during the Ravens WC game and you're telling me the NFL with all that money and access to all that technology these days and you can't get simple spots of the ball right. You have partnerships with Microsoft and Amazon for ***** sake.  

Another thing that irks me is early when i think it was Scandling reaching forward for the 1st down when it was overturned because they called him short, why is that forward progress when he intentionally on his own brought the ball back. Never understood that dumb bs. If he had been on his feet and went back intentionally it would be marked back to where he went but it's different if he does the same thing while almost on the ground. It's the same thing. Would be different if it was the end zone or out of bounds since the play is dead at that point anyway, but in the field of play you intentionally pulled the ball back you weren't dragged back so it should be marked where you brought it back to. That leads to the dumb catch rules too. I don't care what anyone says that was a td last week by Chase. They need to change that bs too. If you're in the endzone or out of bounds the play is dead. You can't hit someone or even tap em apparently as we found out tonight so the whole to the ground stuff is ridiculous. If they have possession when they go out or are in the end zone the play is dead. They can't advance it they can't be tackled they had possession in the field of play so play is over when ball crosses sideline or goal line so why the hell would you need to hold on to the ball at the point the play is over? It's stupid. 

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RE: ***(AFCCG) PLAYOFF GameDay Thread - Bengals @ Chiefs*** - StripesEarned - 01-30-2023, 01:59 AM

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