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Easy Way To Protect Our Schools And Kids
(04-01-2023, 01:02 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Value or not, they had to purchase the equipment to send, so it basically is them sending that much.

I might be misunderstanding you, but we sent them American made equipment that had already been developed and was sitting in stockpiles. We didn't purchase/develop brand new weapons to send over to them. 

Quote:As far finding personnel for it, there were 250,000 unemployed vets in this country in 2022 who I'd say wouldn't mind protecting kids. In fact, I think they'd see it as easy money, a rewarding job, and a walk in the park compared to war zones.

That's not enough, even if we were to do that. If we were to institute four police officers per school (or 10, under your proposal), we would need 520,000 new police officers (1.3 million under your proposal). Best case scenario, we don't even have half of the required personnel to pull this off. You're also going to run into logistical issues such as vet populations congregated in specific areas of the country where we would need them to be spread out. Finally, we would have to make sure all of them are physically fit and sound to work a job like this. Veterans with PTSD would be understandably be excluded. Nobody wants troubled veterans armed around children - they need healthcare. 

Quote:Explain to me this: you think a person that shows up to a school, sees 9 or 10 armed guards, and is still going to say "ok, I'm still going to try and shoot may way through them," and is successful?

I do understand the logic behind it and it makes sense at first glance. However, we have to be careful about just blindly going for it. It needs to be tested and studied in a logical manner. The current research we have on the topic shows that there is no relation to deterrence in shootings. Marjory Stoneman Douglas had a deputy sheriff on campus at the time of the shooting - 17 died and he didn't engage the shooter. Would more have helped? Sure, maybe so, but we need evidence that clearly proves that before we spend billions of dollars implementing it. 

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RE: Easy Way To Protect Our Schools And Kids - KillerGoose - 04-01-2023, 01:26 PM

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