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Easy Way To Protect Our Schools And Kids
Why is it that just because someone is a veteran, people suddenly believe they are capable of being teachers or school guards? In many cases, these vets are unemployed because they are addicts, alcoholics, disabled, etc. I am gobsmacked that the same people who thought masks were traumatizing and permanently harming children somehow ignore the damage these mass shootings, active shooter drills, and armed school personnel is doing. But hey if it puts more money in the pockets of the gun industry and keeps NRA money flowing, they don't give a damn.

MAGA world doesn't want some of the actions that can help prevent violence. That is, in schools, teaching empathy, compassion, and tolerance. It is discussing differences and similarities. It is teaching anger management and stress management. It is teaching how not to be a bully and how to handle one. It is teaching why racism, anti-semitism, misogyny, *****/trans phobia, xenophobia, and hate in general are wrong and dangerous. It is shedding light on the wrongs of the past so that the future can be improved. Children learn hate from their parents. Real education opens children's eyes...and MAGA parents are afraid

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.


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RE: Easy Way To Protect Our Schools And Kids - pally - 04-01-2023, 07:05 PM

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