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The Trans Movement Just Hit Home.......
I was going to make a Facebook post today or tomorrow joking about how I identify as crippled and just making a joke of all this, but now it's gotten real.

According to The NY Post, people are choosing to identify as handicapped:

Quote:A troubling societal issue called “transableism” is attracting attention these days.

Transableism is a newer term for BIID, or “Body Integrity Identity Disorder,” in which a person actually “identifies” as handicapped.

BIID has been relabeled to transableism to align with today’s trans community, according to some.

The point of “changing the identifier” from a psychiatric condition (BIID) to an advocacy term (transableism) is to “harness the stunning cultural power of gender ideology” to the cause of allowing doctors to “treat” BIID patients by “amputating healthy limbs, snipping spinal cords or destroying eyesight,” according to Evolution News and Science Today (EN), which reports on and analyzes evolution, neuroscience, bioethics, intelligent design and other science-related issues.

Culturally, transableism is “the next abyss,” that site also notes.


Because “some of these persons mutilate themselves; others ask surgeons for an amputation or for the transection of their spinal cord,” that site adds of the shocking steps some are taking.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) notes on its website, “Those with BIID desire the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or desire a paralysis.”

A North Carolina college student called transableism a “cry for attention.”

The 24-year-old told Fox News Digital, “It’s offensive to people who actually suffer from the condition that you say you need, in order to be your true self.”

He went on, “It’s embarrassing, and I don’t know if you can be considered a serious human being if you alter your body like this, instead of getting the appropriate mental help you need.”

But it's also not just about amputees because there's perfectly healthy people identifying as crippled:

Quote:In one case of BIID, Jørund Viktoria Alme, 53, a senior credit analyst in Oslo, Norway, identifies as disabled and uses a wheelchair, even though she has no physical handicap.

Alme is also transgender, according to Alme said on the morning TV program “Good Morning Norway” in 2022 that it had been a “lifelong wish” to have been born “a woman paralyzed from the waist down,” the same source noted.

In an even more shocking case, a 21-year-old North Carolina woman who identified as blind actually took steps to destroy her own eyesight, according to multiple reports from a few years ago.

First of all, to even pretend like you understand the struggles of someone that's born disabled or becomes disabled for any reason, is just an absolute ***** joke.

Second, the left says that it's not a mental illness, but you think people that are stable minded want to be paralyzed? I'm crippled and could never imagine what it would be like to be paralyzed.

Third, there's limited resources to get handicapped people the basic necessities that we need to live a normal life, but now we have to get even less resources because there's people identifying as something they're not?

All you leftists out there, is this ok too?

Are you going to fight as hard for them as you do transgender people?

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The Trans Movement Just Hit Home....... - BFritz21 - 05-02-2023, 01:00 PM

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