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What Bets Do You Like For The Season?
(05-02-2023, 03:54 AM)grampahol Wrote: I whole heartedly agree with Kevin on this one.  Like it or not the big gambling houses aren't in the business of making you rich. Quite the contrary, they're in the business of making you poor and they'll do it without losing a second of sleep. It's a complete offshoot of the exact same business the mob got filthy rich on suckering suckers out of house and home, families, businesses and everything else you might have ever had. You might hit it big, but the odds are heavily stacked against you at every turn. They never lose, but their customers almost always do. I've seen people lose absolutely everything and there's a damn good reason gambling was banned for so long. It had nothing to do with morality and everything to do with keeping families from going tits up and driven to the poor house. 
Bottom line is if you lose your ass gambling sympathy is only in one place..between shit and syphilis .I ain't gonna feel sorry for you suckers if you piss your life savings away on a suckers bet. You're probably better off gambling on whether that shot of dope will be the one that puts you in the graveyard. I beat that one, but never beat a gambling house.. 
I might be a buzz kill, but I'd never take your life savings and leave you and your entire family in dire poverty. Those criminals will and brag about it on national TV with the complete blessings of the whole of the sporting world and now the full faith and credit of the United States government. You have definitely been warned.  

I'm not going to gamble away thousands of dollars or my life savings because I don't even have access to all that lol.

I'm not looking to make a living off this but it will make the season that much more fun to watch and just cheer for the team.

I know the house never loses, but I think we could make some money off the team this year and the house still has 31 other teams to make money off of. 

I would have won money on my Super Bowl bet two years ago if I hadn't listened to my friend because he told me to bet it straight-up and not take the points.

I'm not betting too much, I still have a fair amount of poker money, and I'm not trying to make a living off it, so I'll be ok.

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RE: What Bets Do You Like For The Season? - BFritz21 - 05-02-2023, 03:10 PM

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