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The Trans Movement Just Hit Home.......
(05-05-2023, 10:27 AM)Stewy Wrote: Notice how he started with "I'm personally".  He's speaking of himself and how he handles things.

He wasn't speaking to you, nor anyone else really about what they should do or how they should handle it.  He was telling you how HE handles it and perhaps giving advice to those like him.  As I am the same faith as he and have the same attitude, it might be good to know that this stance from a Christian is rather rare as many prefer to "get in your face" especially on the internet.  My stance is to lead by example, live a life for God and if others choose a different path that is their choice.

I respect your take but disagree on two points.  Most individuals of his ilk don't prescribe advice strictly to individuals of their belief system.  If you were in a debate and asked him if he thought that only those who believed as he does will face consequences from his God, then I'd bet a lot of money that he's say no.  Using the word perhaps in your reply makes you not technically wrong.  The spirit of his post is what it is regardless of the actual letter.  The historical nature of his responses supports that much, at least.  

I'd also surmise that the true intent of the post is more self-congratulatory that benevolent.  He's giving a personal situation as an example, then using it as a means to dismiss the personal situations and resulting beliefs/feelings/actions of anyone who disagrees. 

 I care little about the semantics laid out in my first paragraph.  Dude can believe whatever he wants about his God, himself, and how it all relates to the rest of humanity.  

I will say though, the intent I laid out in the second point is significantly more absurd to me on a forum full of people who don't really know each other, and thusly can claim whatever they want about personal experience and how it applies to the way others should or shouldn't be living their lives.  It assumes his experience and the negative impact of it is equal to or worse than any other person's experience.  It also assumes that  we are impacted identically by all negative experiences.  It's a position that can only be correct in a vacuum.  It's more or less saying that what anyone else views as significant or impactful can be dismissed because he says he overcame something he felt was impactful to an unquantified degree.  

Extreme example: I get told I have stage 4 cancer. I say, "well that sucks, but I guess I'll need treatment. if that doesn't work, I worry for my wife and son and who will provide for them financially." His response is one-size fits all here, so I'd guess he'd recommend that I just do some churchy crap and stop worrying, because it worked for him in a completely unrelated but negative scenario. Extreme? Sure. But applicable.

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RE: The Trans Movement Just Hit Home....... - samhain - 05-07-2023, 10:36 AM

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