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Is Bud Light Right And I'm Wrong?
(05-08-2023, 09:08 PM)samhain Wrote: Boycott declarations of victory are almost always self-congratualtory.  They are based on some imagined criteria and the goalposts move.  A lot.  It all ends up being what it was in the beginning, ie a bunch of people who don't like something making each other feel like they taught that something a real lesson.  

Libs sang the evils of Walmart from the highest mountain throughout the 90's and into the 2000's.  They wrote entire books about how shitty it was to patronize the megastore.  Impact was minimal if at all.  Lots of people claimed they'd never go there, but they inevitably did in most cases.  The only thing that stopped Walmart was the rise of an entity even more lethal to brick-and mortar business, ie Amazon.  And damn near all the anti-walmart folk probably have prime memberships, too.

Conservatives killed the NFL back in the Kaepernick kneeling days.  By gosh, Trump even called them players a bad name once.  It crippled the league from a financial standpoint when the nation stopped watching on the order of their president.  Players were forced to take real jobs.  Goodell lived in a homeless shelter for a brief spell.  Stadiums were torn down and replaced with NASCAR tracks.  Then Covid came and the league was totally unable to weather the crushing power of MAGA in all of it's glory.  That's what I think happened, anyway.

Most people won't actively protest anything that they genuinely like or that saves them money.  They'll say they do, but that's largely perfomance art.  

I'll use my brother in law as an example:

He's in a union, is an uber Christian and Conservative and a veteran of the Navy.

He swore he'd never got to Walmart because they were anti-union (while voting straight republican...go figure) then he got divorced and he shops there all the time.

He also swore to never watch the NFL again because they "disrespected the troops" by kneeling.  One Sunday years ago he was watching with us (we got together a lot to watch games) and was complaining the entire time.  I told I thought he said he was never going to watch again and that some of us enjoyed the game and perhaps he should go elsewhere and watch golf instead.  He got mad.  My wife got mad.  But I just wanted him to stand up for his  Now he will watch games with us and not say anything about it.  

The urge to boycott passed and life went on.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: Is Bud Light Right And I'm Wrong? - GMDino - 05-09-2023, 10:01 AM
Is Bud Light Right And I'm Wrong? - pally - 06-08-2023, 07:08 PM
Is Bud Light Right And I'm Wrong? - pally - 06-09-2023, 11:50 AM

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