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MYTH: GOP is better for the Economy
(05-22-2023, 07:40 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Based on SSF post maybe it read wrong. You just don’t seem to have any conservative ideology at all. It’s just weird that you were ever a Republican. I’m not doubting you you, it just doesn’t seem to fit. People who quit a party don’t generally go all in for the other party. Like me. I really don’t identify with Republicans anymore, but I sure as hell don’t have any love for Democrats. Maybe you are the political version of a person who quit smoking. LOL

Political beliefs don’t change overnight. They evolve over time. And in reality, my personal beliefs, especially in these “culture” ideas began to separate from the then mainstream Republican Party some time ago. It just took Mitch McConnell and his block of Merrick Garland to finally say enough is enough. It was at that point I stopped self identifying as a Republican. Something similar occurs for many Catholics. They will self identify themselves as Catholic but if you ask them the last time they went to church, they might say 20 or 30 years.

For me the gradual liberalization came from exposure to a wide range of people while working in the hospitality industry. Meeting, talking to, and working with immigrants, both documented and undocumented, changes perspectives. Actually talking to people from all over the world who were refugees from war, famine, political unrest, natural disasters gives you a far better understanding of their motives and lives than a news report will give you.
Meeting and working with people across the spectrum of the LGBTQ community teaches you that deep down they are no different from most of us. They want a home and family, a fulfilling career, and to give back to their community. I had an employee who committed suicide by jumping off the Key Bridge in Washington DC. He had been diagnosed with HIV. His friends told us his religious family would accept suicide easier than finding out he was gay. I found that horrifying. Someone’s religious beliefs should not dictate how anyone else lives their lives. And frankly, the lives of LGBTQ folks should not be kept in turmoil so pandering politicians can score points in their self driven culture wars.
Working with genuinely poor people opens you eyes to their realities. 90 minute multi transfer bus rides to work. Can’t work overtime because they have no way to get home. Easily treated medical conditions if caught early turn into serious ones because they have no medical insurance. When every dime you make goes for daily survival, insurance is a luxury. Sadly, for too many hard work can only get them so far. Escaping poverty in today’s world is far more difficult than it used to be.
Education is supposed to expose a child to the world. It is not supposed to reinforce a government’s or family’s personal political or religious beliefs.

I’ve decided that in America that having a decent roof over your head, healthy food for your family, and healthcare should not be something reserved for the wealthy as it is rapidly moving towards.

Problems need to be solved not nursed along to be used for their next political campaign.

Like I said, it is a journey not an overnight thing

I tell you this because I choose to

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.


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RE: MYTH: GOP is better for the Economy - pally - 05-23-2023, 09:07 AM

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