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Could be worse, we could live in California
(06-06-2023, 09:01 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Yeah, I am right there with you. I was actually listening to a podcast talking about the housing crises in California and New York. People blame liberal policies for the problems, but the issue really comes from the desire of the wealthy in power not wanting to increase the housing supply because that decreases the value of their assets. It's antithetical to progressive ideals and it just goes to highlight how the struggle in this country isn't one of ideology. It really isn't one of location, race, or any of that shit. It is a matter of those with wealth and power doing everything they can to hold onto it and prevent those of us without it from ever getting it. It's not a progressive or liberal position, and it certainly ain't democratic.

Careful with that Marxism, comrade. We don't want to radicalize people too quickly!  Ninja

No, but you and I are in complete agreement. Identity politics have a place in the class discussion for obvious reasons (black people, for hundreds of years, were unable to own anything, so of course that is going to cause an issue with their ability to accumulate wealth today), but this country is split by class in a much more rigid way than it is split in any other way (although many "conservatives" do their best to refocus the conversation on culture war issues like trans people to distract from the class issues, and their words do have the potential to cause harm to people in disempowered groups, so we can't just completely throw out the identity politics altogether, unfortunately.)

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RE: Could be worse, we could live in California - CJD - 06-06-2023, 10:44 AM

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