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Is Bud Light Right And I'm Wrong?
(06-09-2023, 03:53 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Hmm, I find your assertion interesting, as we frequently hear about laws against drag shows being transphobic.  I'm not employing anything btw, I'm making a case against sexually charged performances for children.

I'll ask again - what do drag queens / shows have to do with the transgender ideology you claim is being pushed? The majority of queens are straight, gay or bisexual. Do you think those particular groups are also pushing an agenda? Your logic seems muddled and disjointed on this issue.

Quote:You could go on LibsofTikTok's twitter feed and find hundreds of examples.  Before you go the predictable route and dismiss the account as whatever -phob or -ist you choose you'll note that in the instances I am referring to the account is merely reposting content posted by others.

I'll post a link for those interested.  Kindly restrict yourself to the videos in question.  I am not interested in the accounts personal opinions, and in fact disagree with many of them.  I am only sharing the videos they have discovered.

That's a dispicable account filled with hated and misinformation, promoted by the likes of Matt Walsh and TurningPointUSA. If you have specific examples from the account, then post them and we can discuss. However, I'm not going to dig through - what I know from experience - to be a collection of vile filth.

Quote:So you're going the subjective route now?  Would you consider a half dressed adult dancing suggestively in front of children and then having said children slip money into their clothing to be sexual?

It depends on the context, which is why I asked for examples. None of what you're stating makes it objectively or intentionally sexual. Who is finding it sexually charged in your estimation - the queen, the child, the parent, all of them? Since you're opposed to the "subjective route" - please provide the objective evidence that such an instance was intended to be sexual or perceived so by those involved. Otherwise, you're simply projecting your own subjective interpretation.

Quote:Oh my god, you literally just went the we know better than parents route.  Unless your job is specifically to discuss sexual topics, e.g. a sex-ed teacher, you should not be having those types of discussions with children.  We are discussion literal children here, no adolescents.

No one went that route. You are just asserting that I did, which you have a tendency to do.

What I stated was that parents have historically done a poor job at discussing matters of a sexual nature with their children. However, I never stated that anyone knows better than the parents; but instead, that there has been a failure of parents in that regard, which is why having sexual education is so vital. 

Quote:The instances of left handedness increased at a gradual rate, they did not explode.  If this hypothesis were true then why haven't we seen a similar rise in transgenderism among adults as we do among children/adolescents?  It's acceptable now, right?  So why aren't adults coming out as trans like Catelyn Jenner at the same rate as younger people?  If your left handed position were true then we should see similar numbers in all age ranges.  Unless your assertion is that younger people are more likely to be trans, which begs the question why?  I don't doubt for a second that there are more people who publicly identify as transgender now because of increased acceptance.  But there is zero chance that the huge upswing in younger people identifying as such compared to other age ranges is solely due to this.

But largely only in children and adolescents?  Something very wrong with your logic here.

While it's more acceptable to come out as transgender, there are still very real risks to doing so. Adults are prone to be more hesitant because of their life experience, engrained fears, expectation of negative reactions. Young people will not share these concerns at the same levels or be as risk adverse in their decision making process to express their true identity. Younger people - as a generality - currently have much more accepting peer groups, better methods for finding and communicating with others like themselves and vastly improved / more widely available resources for learning about their situations.

Taking these things into account, it rather easily explains why younger people are much more likely to come out than adults, and why younger age ranges are representing that expected trend.

Messages In This Thread
Is Bud Light Right And I'm Wrong? - pally - 06-08-2023, 07:08 PM
RE: Is Bud Light Right And I'm Wrong? - Lucidus - 06-09-2023, 05:17 PM
Is Bud Light Right And I'm Wrong? - pally - 06-09-2023, 11:50 AM

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