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Is Bud Light Right And I'm Wrong?
Quote:If that were true the Log Cabin Republicans wouldn't exist

That's a rather blatantly partisan comment to make.  This whole conversation the terms democrat and republican hadn't even came up, until now..

You're the one who said "Well, they all live under the same flag, and consider themselves to be a unified voting bloc, so there is that."  If the LGBTQ community was a monolithic voting block a group devoted to LGBTQ Republicans wouldn't exist now would it?

Quote:Every one of us was born as a product of heterosexual sex.  I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that heterosexuality is the predominate sexuality worldwide, therefore "the norm".

Well, that isn't exactly true.  We are all the results of heterosexual reproduction which does not require sex to take place.  I have 4 beautiful nieces and nephews who are the biological children (mom's egg and dad's sperm) of their parents, all who were conceived in a laboratory and carried by someone other than their egg-donating mother.  Sex on the other hand can take place in any manner of forms and combinations of people.

Only 9% of the world has green eyes therefore having green eyes is abnormal which is a ridiculous statement. They simply have non-dominant DNA. App 10% or less of the population are homosexual. It means they have a different biologic makeup than you do...not that they are flawed somehow.

Quote:Why do you think that children should be exposed to alternative lifestyle persons wearing costumes?  Seems more like you just want to support "normalizing the abnormal" behavior, and perhaps encourage new, unsuspecting children to think that perhaps they could be the queen behind the costume.  If true, that's really bizarre..

So no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny?  No WhoDey? People wearing costumes.  ACTORS wearing costumes. Actors have performed in costumes for a thousand years. Children have no idea who is under the costume.  We're talking about preschoolers here.  Stop looking at it through politically biased adult eyes.  4 year olds are far more likely to say it was funny or silly than to say "That was awesome, I want to be a drag queen when I grow up"  

Quote:I agree that you can't make a gay kid straight and vice versa, I actually have no problem with people being who they actually are or want to be.  We have a nephew who came out as gay in HS, in one of the more "redneck" towns in southern Ohio.  That didn't change how we feel or interact with him, most of the family likely knew before he even realized.  More power to him, the fact that he respected his family enough to wait until he was 17 was something that we all applauded. (he's finishing his second year at UD, and doing fantastic)  The problem that I have is that under the law, children aren't supposed to be having sex in the first place.  And I get that kids will do what they want, etc.  The problem is that we as a society have made sexuality so acceptable in pretty much every aspect of our society and culture, that now children likely are feeling pressure to become sexual beings sooner than most are mentally and emotionally developed to fully understand the point and consequences of those actions.

Sex and sexuality are 2 separate things.  An LGBTQ child is actually less likely to have sex as a teenager than a heterosexual child but somehow the focus is on the gay or trans child, not the good "Christian" child wearing a purity ring running wild every chance they can get.
I feel so bad for your nephew.  He knew he was gay years before he was 17 yet unlike his heterosexual siblings or cousins, had to be "respectful" and hide who he was.  He couldn't date someone he was attracted to like every straight child.  He couldn't be himself.  That is sad.  

The world revolves around heterosexuality, yet despite that children still become homosexual or bi-sexual.  That is the reality.  Letting them know they aren't alone is not harming them or heterosexual children.  In fact, it saves lives as children/teenagers learn they are not diseased or abnormal
And in one point we agree...children shouldn't be having sex.  Children who have received comprehensive sex education are far less likely to delay having sex than a child who hasn't had a comprehensive education on sexual matters.  Give a child the tools on how to say no, how to hear no, how to protect themselves, and the REAL consequences of early sex and they use them.  Tell the child to just say no and far too often they become victims of someone else's aggressiveness, their own hormones, and their own lack of knowledge.  It is not the 1950s as much as some would like it to be.  Our children are exposed to far more than we were.  We have to give them the information they need to live in the 2020s and beyond.  Hiding it from them because we don't like it only harms them.

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.

Messages In This Thread
Is Bud Light Right And I'm Wrong? - pally - 06-08-2023, 07:08 PM
RE: Is Bud Light Right And I'm Wrong? - pally - 06-13-2023, 10:19 AM
Is Bud Light Right And I'm Wrong? - pally - 06-09-2023, 11:50 AM

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