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Why is the FBI obstructing an investigation into Bribery by a US VP and his family?
(06-16-2023, 04:34 PM)Luvnit2 Wrote: So like Biden, as of now it is an accusation and one side the prosecution has told their side to a grand jury. Why do you and liberals not believe in innocent until proven guilty. In Biden's case, as a Patriot I hope our FBI and DOJ has been fair of prosecution of political opponents. All I want to know is what the FBI knows, when they knew it and our Congress looped in to the investigation of the Biden family.

I was a business owner and very familiar with LLC's, I had 5 different LLC"s at one point. I had to file federal, state and local taxes on each LLC. I had to show income (tell where the income came from) and then list any expenses, then pay taxes on the entity (LLC) if there was a net income. Comer is saying the Biden's set up LLC's to launder money, no legitimate businesses associated with them and they have found 10 million dollars flow through these LLC's and then checks sent to 9 family members. It appears they found the money if Comer and Grasserly are telling the truth.

The money they allege is from foreign governments. Hunter himself went on Good Morning America years ago and said he had no experience that would land him a paid position on the board of Burisma. Joe Biden is on record saying he bullied the President of Ukraine to fire a prosecutor or he would withhold 1 billion dollars from Ukraine. He have him 6 hours and he fired the prosecutor. Why would Biden care about a Ukrainian prosecutor? It makes no sense until we find out that prosecutor was investigating Burisma and his son Hinter. Comer says within weeks of Biden leaving foreign countries, they have found money given to the Biden family. It is not just Ukraine, it is more than just one country. All sending money through a chain of different and elaborate money laundering schemes.

Is it true? The only way we find out would be for a special prosector to be assigned to investigate not only the accusations, but the actions of the DOJ and FBI once they received the accusation. There is more to start spying on at least 9 members of the Biden family and Biden's partners like Devon Archer. Did the FBI do that or did the FBI do nothing?

I want equal justice, it just appears the FBI and DOJ are corrupt and have no interest in going after the Biden family with the same enthusiasm they went after President Trump.

Why do Conservatives want Biden jailed for very loose accusations when they ignored and continue to ignore even more substantial accusations of wrongdoing against Donald Trump?  I have not heard any Democrat or liberal say stop the investigation into Joe or Hunter Biden.  In fact, most have said investigate all you want because everything Comer and right-wingers have produced publically s a whole lot of balderdash as Joe would say.  They are throwing out wildly exaggerated unsubstantiated accusations backed up with "proof" that doesn't actually prove anything.  They have to draw a direct line from Burisma (or whomever) to Joe Biden to political action.  And we know they don't have anything even close to that. 

The UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT as well as the governments of most European countries were concerned about the Ukrainian chief prosecutor was IGNORING corruption not that he was investigating it.  He said if you don't put in a prosecutor who will prosecute your corrupt officials you aren't getting aid. It is pretty clear to anyone who listened to his entire statement on that subject and not just the line that Republicans like to quote out of context in order to claim his comments prove His corruption.  Also, keep in mind that Biden was VP.  Congress allocates foreign aid, the President signs the authorization.  The VP has zero legal authority to stop or alter a financial aid package

Conservatives risk angering the base and being called RINOs if they publically say anything negative against Trump let alone say the accusations against him should be investigated.   We're not afraid of investigations into Biden.  Why are you all afraid of investigations into Trump?  

Everyone wants equal justice but conservatives want equivalency when there is none

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.


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RE: Why is the FBI obstructing an investigation into Bribery by a US VP and his family? - pally - 06-16-2023, 05:07 PM

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