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Are Republicans under estimating Joe Biden
The reason Republicans so often under estimate Democrats is because Republicans are convinced they are the "silent majority." I imagine this has a lot to do with them, by necessity (in order to maintain all the culture war and flagrantly false or misleading beliefs), self segregate from the majority of society, so they only talk to people who already agree with them on everything.

If I walked out of my house and every single person I interacted with on any given day shared my exact values, I would start to believe my opponents were the vast minority as well.

Biden has surprised me with how much he's been able to get done. I figured he'd be a neoliberal just like most Democratic presidents and...I mean...he's basically that but he has also thrown a few bones to the further left (relative to him and the majority of the country) than I expected.

One of the biggest let downs of Biden's presidency was when he squashed that railroad union strike because it would have been to detrimental to the economy. I get why he did it, but the government limiting the rights of a union was a bad moment, in my opinion. Well, just a few days ago, the leaders of the railroad workers' union came out and said that, despite ending their strike, Biden continued to work with them and the railroad companies to get them the paid sick days that they were fighting for back then.

The fact that he essentially corrected one of the things that, from the left, was a black mark on his record was very surprising to me.

If the Republicans want to replace Biden, they're going to have to coalesce behind one candidate and I'm not sure they're capable of doing that right now. Trump seems to be tearing the party apart at the seams. And even if he gets the nomination, he may have the threat of jail time looming over him the entire time he is running, not to mention the fact that he has already lost the popular vote twice before he became the first indicted president ever (among many other things that he has not yet been indicted for, but may be coming down the pipeline).

There's a saying that I feel is true more often than not regarding Republican nominees. "Can't win a republican primary without Trump, Can't win a general election with him." It doesn't have 100% accuracy since there are deep red districts etc, but in areas where the election is up for grabs, the trump endorsed candidate often wins the primary and often loses the general election.

It seems the 2024 presidency election has the chance to have a similar outcome.

If you weren't willing to vote for Trump in 2020, I sincerely doubt you'd be willing to vote for him in 2024.

It's a shame that, as a country, we are likely going to be forced to pick between two Octogenarians (or near octogenarians) that are deeply unpopular on the grand scale of things.

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RE: Are Republicans under estimating Joe Biden - CJD - 06-26-2023, 02:49 PM

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