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Drag March "Coming for your children"
(06-29-2023, 03:44 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I get that your post is coming from a personal place of frustration and unhappiness, but I really hate to see posts like this.  It comes off as deflecting, which is, for many, tacit admission that there is a groomer problem in the gay community.  I've stated several times, I've fought tooth and nail against the gay=pedophile trope on this board for well over a decade, long before you started posting in here.  The movement is not helping that cause at the moment.  There are too many people attempting to excuse or mitigate unacceptable conduct as they view it as an attack on everyone in the community.  Those who do speak up from a position of concern, such as Fred Sargeant, are viscously attacked.  The LGBT community needs to do a far better job of policing/calling out their own as fringe elements are constantly giving their detractors ammunition to use against them.  I'm literally seeing decades of progress being eroded due to a failure in this regard, and it bothers me deeply.

As for the Catholic Church, they've been lambasted over this issue for years.  I would take issue to the frequency you cite, especially as it has no proof attached, but there is literally not one defender of the Church's conduct in this regard on this board.  Your post, while well intentioned and from a place of sincerity, misses the mark.

It's neither a deflection nor a tacit admission. Quite the opposite in fact. The point is to demonstrate that the drag / transgender opposition isn't actually concerned with grooming, targeting, etc., because they don't actually go after the environments where it's demonstrably prevalent, which illuminates - to an alarming degree - the concern for children is but a cloak to disguise their hatred, bigotry an ignorance. 

When I refer to clergy, it's not simply the Catholic Church. Examples of Protestant clergy members preying on and abusing children can unfortunately be found daily, and are in no short supply. Yet, there is no outrage, protest or panic demonstrated by same who do so in regards to the drag / transgender communities. 

You speak of decades of progress being eroded where it concerns the LGBTQIA+ community, but there are people, groups and political movements actively working to stifle and revert that progress. When a community finds themselves under this type of attack, that very progress finds itself in danger. While members of the community may occasionally say or do things that are counterproductive; that behavior - generally speaking - is a direct result of the fear, anger and frustration they feel from being constantly accused, demeaned and threatened. 


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RE: Drag March "Coming for your children" - Lucidus - 06-29-2023, 05:16 PM

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