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Drag March "Coming for your children"
(06-29-2023, 05:16 PM)Lucidus Wrote: It's neither a deflection nor a tacit admission. Quite the opposite in fact.

Ugh, I acknowledged as much in my actual post.  I said it can easily be perceived as such.  Seriously, I went to great pains to make this point

Quote:The point is to demonstrate that the drag / transgender opposition isn't actually concerned with grooming, targeting, etc., because they don't actually go after the environments where it's demonstrably prevalent, which illuminates - to an alarming degree - the concern for children is but a cloak to disguise their hatred, bigotry an ignorance. 

No, it's not just that.  It's the pushing of it in elementary school.  It's the efforts to hide things from parents.  You yourself made the argument in another thread that schools have/had to step up because parents historically do such a poor job in this area.  Until you, and others, grasp that this is not about homophobia for most people you'll continue to be upset and frustrated.  Again, and I have said this I don't know how many times, there are absolutely homophobes present in this movement.  But they are nowhere near as prevalent as you'd like to think.

Quote:When I refer to clergy, it's not simply the Catholic Church. Examples of Protestant clergy members preying on and abusing children can unfortunately be found daily, and are in no short supply. Yet, there is no outrage, protest or panic demonstrated by same who do so in regards to the drag / transgender communities. 

Yes, and as I pointed out earlier, it happened in the Boy Scouts as well.  But you're completely living in an alternate reality if you think there was/is no outrage at those institutions.  Also, you again made the claim this happens "daily".  If you're going to make such a claim you're going to need to provide evidence, because I'm calling bullshit on it being a daily occurrence.

Quote:You speak of decades of progress being eroded where it concerns the LGBTQIA+ community, but there are people, groups and political movements actively working to stifle and revert that progress.

Very true, and unfortunately there are many in the LGBT movement who are giving them plenty of assistance in that regard.

Quote:When a community finds themselves under this type of attack, that very progress finds itself in danger. While members of the community may occasionally say or do things that are counterproductive; that behavior - generally speaking - is a direct result of the fear, anger and frustration they feel from being constantly accused, demeaned and threatened. 

No, you can't explain all of this away with a fear response.  You can't explain away elementary kids being taught things best left to their parents and a much older age.  You can't use it to explain attempts to hide things from parents.  The movement stepped over a line and until that is acknowledged and reversed you're going to see this pushback grow and grow.  All the while you'll be telling yourself it's just homophobia while ignoring the bedrock reason for most people.

Like I said, it's sad and it makes me unhappy.  And you just don't see it.

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RE: Drag March "Coming for your children" - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-29-2023, 07:24 PM

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