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Drag March "Coming for your children"
(06-29-2023, 07:24 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: No, it's not just that.  It's the pushing of it in elementary school.  It's the efforts to hide things from parents.  You yourself made the argument in another thread that schools have/had to step up because parents historically do such a poor job in this area.  Until you, and others, grasp that this is not about homophobia for most people you'll continue to be upset and frustrated.  Again, and I have said this I don't know how many times, there are absolutely homophobes present in this movement.  But they are nowhere near as prevalent as you'd like to think.

The frustration stems from the right - both voters and politicians - labeling every thing that is part of the LGBTQIA+ community in extremely derogatory ways, and that includes anyone or anything deemed as guilty by association; teachers, libraries, businesses, etc. In addition, they are actively wanting to ban books, curriculum, drag queen story hours and anything else they label as grooming, targeting or pedophilic. 

When you state the prevalence is not as great as I think, I must respectfully disagree. As some who is a member of said community and has been an activist for over three decades, the prevalence is very real and identifiable at the moment. Whether it's right wing talking heads, social media, politicians, religious organizations or very loud and vitriolic segments of the voter base -- the current environment has become saturated with LGBTQIA+ hated and utterly disgusting rhetoric. 

It's much easier to claim the issues aren't that prevalent when you are not the direct target of such nonsense. 

Quote:Yes, and as I pointed out earlier, it happened in the Boy Scouts as well.  But you're completely living in an alternate reality if you think there was/is no outrage at those institutions.  Also, you again made the claim this happens "daily".  If you're going to make such a claim you're going to need to provide evidence, because I'm calling bullshit on it being a daily occurrence.

The public outrage over the Boy Scouts scandal paled in an embarrassing fashion to that of the drag queen / transgender outrage we are currently experiencing.- and was almost nonexistent on the right. In fact, a search of this very subforum returns scant results on the subject. Odd, considering the whole protect the children narrative being used as rationale by some members in terms of their current outrage.

As to examples of clergy members being accused, charged or convicted on a daily basis; this is just the first page from the past week.

We can keep going back and providing examples of this "bullshit" for as long as you like. 

Quote:No, you can't explain all of this away with a fear response.  You can't explain away elementary kids being taught things best left to their parents and a much older age.  You can't use it to explain attempts to hide things from parents.  The movement stepped over a line and until that is acknowledged and reversed you're going to see this pushback grow and grow.  All the while you'll be telling yourself it's just homophobia while ignoring the bedrock reason for most people.

What exactly are kids being taught that you find objectionable. Specific examples would be appreciated. 


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RE: Drag March "Coming for your children" - Lucidus - 06-30-2023, 05:30 PM

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