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Drag March "Coming for your children"
(07-01-2023, 11:03 AM)pally Wrote: Sexual harassment is often a precursor to more aggressive sexual behavior or becomes a lifelong habit.  But it is also a sign that acting out around sexual matters starts early and needs to be dealt with at the time not when some person decides the child is "old" enough

Because not every child lives in circumstances where parents are capable of teaching them about the human body, sex, sexual behavior. or sexual health.  So no, in my experience, most children do not get adequate education in these areas by their parents.  The real world is vastly different than the fantasy world of conservatives

Sex is not a dirty little secret.  It is normal human behavior.  The more educated the child the less likely they are to participate in early sex.  And when they do , they are more likely to take proper precautions against pregnancy and STDs.

One other variable is the varying ages that kids begin the process of puberty.  I'm sure there's a mean average, but there are always outliers in a given set that will experience things earlier (sometimes several years earlier) and later than other kids.  It's not a voluntary thing and it's not something that any parent can control (although here are thought to be environmental factors that can influence early onset).  It's a surprisingly poorly understood process considering that everyone goes through it, and it varies greatly in both when it starts and how long it takes to run it's course.  

Most kids might trend toward the normal of beginning the process as 11-13 years old but some may begin as early as 9.  I never knew this until a good friend had a daughter that went through it quite early.  It caused problems that led the family to pull her out of school and into at-home NTI before middle school.  This scared the shit out of me, because she's just a couple of years older than my son, and we definitely were not expecting to deal with him going through it for a few more years.  

When I was a kid, the process of learning about sex was about as dumb as possible.  Basically, my degenerate little buddies and I would randomly or not-so-randomly get pieces of information from somebody's dad's porn collection, or perhaps information handed down by older siblings.  I had no older sibling, so I was at a disadvantage.  Some of us were fortunate enough to learn from more experienced girls that were derided for their promiscuity, but in reality did the community an undeniably valuable public service with little thanks.  In many ways, the kept society afloat without even knowing.  Either way, it was basically the law of the jungle out there.  I think there was a video at some point in 7th or 8th grade.  No real explanation from teachers, no test, and 100 percent chance that we were not asking our parents about that shit.  

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RE: Drag March "Coming for your children" - samhain - 07-01-2023, 11:29 AM

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