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Drag March "Coming for your children"
(07-02-2023, 01:00 PM)hollodero Wrote: The specific issue, teaching children about sex, is real difficult for sure. But since you put this aspect in a wider principle of the state never having the right to act against the parents' wishes, I have to say I do not agree with that principle.

I specifically did not say that it should never happen.  There are plenty of instances of the state overruling parental wishes, in the filed of medical care for example.  But these instances are very black and white for the most part.  Child will die without "X" procedure, parent's religious beliefs won't allow it, state steps in to save the child's life.  Sex education in no way resembles these instances

Quote:In certain circumstances parents indeed be damned, if they want to teach their children alternative facts about slavery or minorities or the holocaust or whether it's ok to beat up the weak ones or whatever shitty things certain parents actually teach their flock. Children are not solely to be shaped by their parents, society has a say in it, the child is part of society after all.

Actually, you could home school your children and absolutely teach them these things, along with required curriculum.  Of course society as a whole will shape a child's development, unless said child lives in a heavily rural area with no internet access or television.  But, again, is teaching children about sex of such paramount importance as to override parental wishes?  You're finding a very large segment of the population in the very firm no category on that.

Quote:Which, again, is questioning the principle of always putting parents' wishes above all. When it comes to sex ed specifically, I do feel that hitting puberty is a strong indication that it's time for it. Even if the parents disagree. Sure, carefully, following a distinct set of ground rules and all, and if this does not happen, as you incline, then critizism sure is warranted. But a child experiencing these changes has a right to know what's going on, and if parents deny them this right then yeah parents be damned. It's not beneficial to the child leaving them in the dark and letting them figure it out on their own without any advisement. Not to mention dangerous for their mental health, especially since children in puberty can get pregnant and this is traumatic, even a quick abortion would be. Even more so when abortions get more and more difficult to get.

This is a stronger argument.  But why would this preclude the parents having the right to review the curriculum before giving approval?  You could easily have tiers of classes from which they could choose.  Bodily facts about puberty are a long ways from describing sexual intercourse or other, more explicit topics.

Quote:And since puberty can indeed hit as early as in 10-year-olds, there's imho a decent case to be made that education about that shouldn't happen several years later.

It can, but is that the norm?  My oldest nephew is going to twelve this month.  His friends joke about "69", having no idea what it means, but largely he and his friends are innocent kids on this topic.  His parents have had talks with him about certain topics, like bodily changes.  I would add that he's very intelligent and mentally mature in several ways.  But I can't see him being exposed to certain topics at his age.  He's still a damned kid.

Bottom line you cannot, ever, legislate away shitty parents, but you can absolutely infringe too far on parental rights.  The left is currently trending towards the latter and many parents aren't having it.

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RE: Drag March "Coming for your children" - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 07-02-2023, 01:44 PM

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