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Drag March "Coming for your children"
(07-02-2023, 01:44 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I specifically did not say that it should never happen.  There are plenty of instances of the state overruling parental wishes, in the filed of medical care for example.  But these instances are very black and white for the most part.  Child will die without "X" procedure, parent's religious beliefs won't allow it, state steps in to save the child's life.  Sex education in no way resembles these instances

No, it does not. But I would not restrict the states' rights to oppose parental wishes to such emergencies. I also think the state has the right to oppose parents if the parents are racists or believe the earth is flat etc etc. and demand the right that their children are not told otherwise. And, also, maybe when it comes to sex education.

(07-02-2023, 01:44 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: But, again, is teaching children about sex of such paramount importance as to override parental wishes?

In my opinion, yes. At what age and to what extent, these are different questions. But in principle, yes it is important. A child hitting puberty and having no idea what's going on is detrimental to their mental sanity, not to mention all those unwanted child pregnancies that aren't all that seldomly happening, plus STDs and whatnot.

(07-02-2023, 01:44 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You're finding a very large segment of the population in the very firm no category on that.

Yeah well, that doesn't deter me from having a different opinion then a large segment of the population then.

(07-02-2023, 01:44 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: This is a stronger argument.  But why would this preclude the parents having the right to review the curriculum before giving approval?

I did not say that. I'd say parents should have the right to review the curriculum, and having their wishes recognized and if at all feasible also accomodated. When it comes to them ultimatively giving or denying approval, I'm less inclined. Of course I'm mostly thinking of extremely prude parents that don't want their kids to ever hear about anything sexual, parents that do exist. Succumbing to the wishes of such parents is imho not in the child's best interest, and I'd argue in the end this is what it's about.

(07-02-2023, 01:44 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You could easily have tiers of classes from which they could choose.

Also a fine idea, imho.

(07-02-2023, 01:44 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: It can, but is that the norm?

Well, no. But I'm not so sure whether the average age at which children hit puberty should determine the right time to start addressing these topics, just because some children are not within said average. This, of course, is coupled with my belief that sex education, if done properly and carefully of course, does not traumatize or otherwise emotionally harm a child. If anything, it rather is a counterweight or a contextualization to all the stuff most children hear and see from other places anyways, including internet and afternoon TV.

(07-02-2023, 01:44 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote:   My oldest nephew is going to twelve this month.  His friends joke about "69", having no idea what it means, but largely he and his friends are innocent kids on this topic.  His parents have had talks with him about certain topics, like bodily changes.  I would add that he's very intelligent and mentally mature in several ways.  But I can't see him being exposed to certain topics at his age.  He's still a damned kid.

Sure, there are certain topics where I'd agree children of that age don't need to be exposed to. Certain topics. I'm certainly not advocationg to teach them all kinds of different sexual techniques and whatnot. But that does not include every topic that touches sexuality.

(07-02-2023, 01:44 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Bottom line you cannot, ever, legislate away shitty parents

Well no, but you can somewhat minimize the harmful impact of shitty parenting.

(07-02-2023, 01:44 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: but you can absolutely infringe too far on parental rights.

Oh, sure, I do not disagree. It seems as if the argument is what is too far and what is not.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Drag March "Coming for your children" - hollodero - 07-02-2023, 02:20 PM

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