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Cocaine in the West Wing
(07-06-2023, 03:22 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Secret insight?  No.  What I have is over two decades of experience with drug addicts.  He has a severe drug problem.  He is also not in an in-patient treatment center.  If an addict is serious about recovery they check into in-patient treatment.  The Biden's are very wealthy, so cost is not an issue.  Also, we're talking in-patient for a significant time period for someone with his addiction issues.

So no, he's not serious about recovery as evidenced by his own actions.

So, to be clear, your "experience" (here we go again) allows to you pass judgement on someone you have never met.

I find that disturbing, especially as he has attempted many times to free himself from addiction.

Quote:Hunter’s Many Interventions

The road to recovery is not easy, and it’s not linear. However, it usually starts with an intervention by loved ones. A meeting to tell addicts they have a problem, and they must get help. 

Sometimes it takes one intervention, sometimes it takes two. In Hunter’s case, it was a 15 year-long journey filled with rehabs and relapses. 

One particular intervention for Hunter was carried out by his father. After a particularly harrowing binge, his father approached Hunter and told him he needed help. The conversation Hunter had with his father made Hunter want to get sober and save himself. So, he checked himself into rehab and worked towards becoming sober, only to relapse later. 

In 2019, the Biden family sat Hunter down and told him he needed help. The intervention, according to Hunter, did not go well. Hunter recalls Joe hugging him and crying, asking his son how he could help.

After an outburst of anger, Hunter agreed to check into a facility, only to later run away to a hotel and do more cocaine. His addiction spiral after his brother’s death was fast. Hunter spent most of his time in fancy hotel rooms and cheap motel beds, getting high and staying away from his family.

Over the years, Hunter lied to his family about the state of his sobriety – something many addicts do when they’re not prepared to get sober. 

Hunter’s Road To Recovery
Hunter’s journey to recovery was not easy. In 2003, Hunter completed his first stint in rehab and began attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. His efforts were successful for a while, and Hunter was able to remain sober for seven years. 

In 2010, Hunter relapsed and returned to the same rehab center. This time, Hunter was able to stay sober for three years. In 2013, Hunter relapsed once again when he started drinking to wean off painkillers prescribed to him for shingles.

Just one year later, in 2014, Hunter was dishonorably discharged from the navy after he tested positive for cocaine use. After getting discharged from the army, Hunter tried hard to get sober. He visited various treatment centers and tried methods such as yoga and meditation, but none were successful. 

In 2016, after his separation from his wife, Hunter once again decided to get help at his father’s request. He was admitted into a treatment center in Arizona, but he soon relapsed on cocaine. 

By 2018, Hunter claims he was ‘smoking crack every 15 minutes.’ He even learned how to cook drugs and spent most of his time with con artists and addicts. 

After a series of tough interventions, his current wife, Melissa Cohen, finally motivated Hunter to clean. Melissa met Hunter in 2019, stood by Hunter, and helped him get clean. She cut off everyone in his life who was related to drugs and helped him ease from drinking. 

Why Did Hunter’s Attempts to Become Sober Fail?
Hunter’s addiction story and journey to recovery are not unique. Individuals from all walks of life, be it elite families or working-class individuals, can fall prey to addiction and the dirty relapses that come on the journey to being sober.
But why did Hunter’s many attempts to get sober fail? Why did he relapse so often? Studies suggest that up to 85% of addicts relapse within their first year of being sober. There could be many reasons for this, such as: 

Withdrawal Symptoms
When individuals stop using substances they’re dependent upon; their bodies go through withdrawal. These withdrawal symptoms can be painful and difficult to deal with. They can also last for months, sometimes even more than a year. To relieve the pain of withdrawal symptoms, most addicts return to using substances and get stuck in a vicious cycle.

Mental Health
As Hunter has repeatedly pointed out in his memoir, the dilemma of addiction is one that is related to mental health. While substance abuse is a problem itself, there is usually a mental health condition that underlies said addiction. Until and unless that mental health issue is addressed, the chance of relapsing will always be present.

Addicts tend to surround themselves with other addicts. That’s why part of recovery entails cutting those people out of your life who have ready access to substances and can offer them to you as well. This was a big reason for Hunter’s relapses until his wife finally made him cut those people out of his life completely. 

Another reason addicts relapse is because they get triggered by places that remind them of their substance use. This could be bars and clubs they used to frequent, or it could also be other places like a park or a certain street that they frequented a lot. This is the reason why treatment centers help addicts become sober – by keeping them away from potential triggers. 

Sobriety and The Present
This story of recovery is all too common for many addicts—years of stints spent in and out of rehab. However, a key aspect of getting onto the road to recovery is having a good support circle and the right treatment. 

For individuals whose stories are all too familiar to Hunter’s, getting to an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center for men in Texas is all too important. One such center is Stonegate Center, which specializes in drug and alcohol treatment. 

With a team of fully licensed counselors, the Stonegate Center offers patients a safe space to break away from addiction. They offer high-quality treatment and address core issues such as trauma, anger, fear, and guilt. It is by addressing these core issues that they help individuals get sober. 

For Hunter, recovery was difficult. Even with overwhelming love and support from his family, he talked about how much he thought about needing another hit and how he really had no control over these feelings.

However, in recovery, he finally got honest with himself and understood the true power the addiction had over him. Now, after a while of staying sober, Hunter says the days are getting easier. He spends his days taking part in creative activities and says the itch to use substances is gone. 

The 2020 Presidential Campaign and Support for The Bidens
In the first presidential debate of the 2020 election, presidential candidate Donald Trump bought up Hunter Biden’s addiction as an attack on Joe Biden and his family. Where is Hunter became a common sneer at Joe Biden during the election.

Trump also criticized Hunter for being on the board of a Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, which sparked some political controversy. 

However, having fully recovered from his addiction, Hunter was adamant that his story be told as one full of hope. Both Joe and Hunter never hid any aspect of Hunter’s addiction and spoke about it to highlight America’s growing substance abuse issue. 

On countless occasions, Hunter has spoken about the support his family has given him and how they never gave up on him. In addition to Melissa’s help, he credits his father’s unconditional love as being the reason he could eventually get sober. 

During the 2020 presidential election, there was definitely an outpour of love and support for Joe Biden from families who had their own addict struggles at home. However, it’s safe to say that both Hunter and Joe did receive their fair share of criticism from American society as well. 

According to Hunter, addicts can recover and do great things. The time when addictions were thought to be morally wrong is long gone. Instead, it is and should be treated as a mental health issue. 

American’s Substance Abuse Problem
On the release of Hunter’s memoir, US President Joe Biden spoke about how proud he was of his son, opening up about his struggle. The President stated that everyone in America probably knows at least one family with a story like theirs. While this may be true, it points to America’s concerning substance abuse problem. 

Addiction kills thousands of Americans every year, yet treatment for addictions is rarely sought out. In fact, approximately 21 million 
Americans battle addiction, but only 10% receive treatment. 

Deaths via drug overdose have also more than tripled since 1990. The growing use of substances in America means they are becoming more readily available to the population. Research has shown that young adults are most likely to engage in the heavy use of drugs than any other age group. 

Alarmingly, by eighth grade, 52% of children have consumed alcohol, 41% have smoked cigarettes, and 20% have tried marijuana. As we already stated, using substances at an early age makes individuals much more susceptible to developing addictions. 

A decline in the number of anti-drug messages in the media has also been linked to more alcohol and drug use among the American population. In fact, substance use is shown more frequently in movies and talked about in songs as well.

Substance abuse then leads to many other problems that are prevalent in American society, such as violence and driving under the influence.

To counter America’s growing drug problem, early intervention and proper treatment are necessary. If Hunter Biden’s story can teach us anything, it’s that recovery is possible no matter how far along you are. 

Summing Up
Out of the 42 million people in America with a mental illness, 18% have a co-occurring substance use disorder. This alone should be enough to shed light on how substance abuse is a mental illness, and addicts need adequate help from qualified professionals to get better. 

With stories like Hunter’s making headlines, the need for addicts to get help and the hope for a better life is being bought to the forefront. Instances like this raise awareness of a growing issue and can help those currently struggling with a disorder reach out for help.

If you, or someone you know, is struggling with an addiction, it’s important to extend some love, support, and a helping hand. Plan an intervention if possible and look for a good treatment facility to get your loved one on the road to recovery. 
It's been my experience that addicts sometimes take multiple attempts to get clean.  I've seen too many fail and never get to that clean point. And some aren't in those facilities you mention for the rest of their lives.

But the Biden family love and support through it all, mocked (of course) by Trump and his acolytes, leads me to believe that if he still has a "sever drug problem" it's the greatest cover up since the October Surprise.

Not that I would ever doubt your prowess at knowing things.  However I would say that maybe we should admire his attempts at sobriety rather than continuously bash him for his past failures that he openly admits too. 
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Messages In This Thread
Cocaine in the West Wing - SunsetBengal - 07-05-2023, 09:29 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - KillerGoose - 07-05-2023, 09:46 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - KillerGoose - 07-05-2023, 10:58 AM
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RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-05-2023, 01:46 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-05-2023, 01:50 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - pally - 07-05-2023, 01:51 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-06-2023, 11:49 AM
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RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-06-2023, 01:09 PM
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RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-05-2023, 09:54 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - CJD - 07-05-2023, 11:25 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-05-2023, 11:36 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - CJD - 07-05-2023, 11:39 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-05-2023, 11:54 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - HarleyDog - 07-05-2023, 11:26 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Nately120 - 07-05-2023, 11:43 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-05-2023, 12:10 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-06-2023, 01:36 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-06-2023, 01:43 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - hollodero - 07-06-2023, 01:42 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-06-2023, 03:13 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - hollodero - 07-06-2023, 03:32 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Nately120 - 07-06-2023, 03:38 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - hollodero - 07-06-2023, 04:06 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - hollodero - 07-06-2023, 05:47 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - hollodero - 07-06-2023, 06:16 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - hollodero - 07-06-2023, 06:54 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - pally - 07-06-2023, 06:23 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-06-2023, 08:29 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Leon - 07-06-2023, 09:15 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-06-2023, 09:16 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Leon - 07-06-2023, 09:44 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-06-2023, 09:54 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-06-2023, 10:28 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - pally - 07-07-2023, 08:14 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-07-2023, 08:48 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-07-2023, 12:31 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-07-2023, 01:22 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - KillerGoose - 07-07-2023, 01:54 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-07-2023, 08:46 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Dill - 07-07-2023, 12:44 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-06-2023, 09:52 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-06-2023, 05:16 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-06-2023, 05:40 PM
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RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-07-2023, 08:44 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-07-2023, 08:49 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-07-2023, 08:57 AM
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RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-07-2023, 09:16 AM
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RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-07-2023, 11:28 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-07-2023, 12:32 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-07-2023, 12:38 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-07-2023, 01:01 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-07-2023, 01:20 PM
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RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-07-2023, 01:53 PM
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RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Nately120 - 07-06-2023, 03:27 PM
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RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Nately120 - 07-06-2023, 03:51 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-06-2023, 07:15 PM
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RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-06-2023, 07:41 PM
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RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-06-2023, 10:46 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - basballguy - 07-07-2023, 02:09 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-07-2023, 01:53 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-07-2023, 02:15 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - hollodero - 07-07-2023, 02:18 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - hollodero - 07-07-2023, 02:30 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - pally - 07-07-2023, 11:12 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-08-2023, 02:18 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - pally - 07-08-2023, 02:39 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - HarleyDog - 07-08-2023, 02:55 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - pally - 07-08-2023, 03:22 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - pally - 07-08-2023, 09:10 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - hollodero - 07-08-2023, 08:12 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Stonyhands - 07-10-2023, 02:40 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-10-2023, 05:25 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - samhain - 07-09-2023, 01:03 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-09-2023, 01:36 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - pally - 07-09-2023, 01:59 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-10-2023, 05:21 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - GMDino - 07-10-2023, 05:44 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-11-2023, 02:27 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - KillerGoose - 07-09-2023, 06:05 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - samhain - 07-09-2023, 10:31 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - samhain - 07-09-2023, 12:57 AM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - HarleyDog - 07-10-2023, 05:32 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Nately120 - 07-10-2023, 08:01 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - basballguy - 07-14-2023, 06:23 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-14-2023, 05:44 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - hollodero - 07-14-2023, 05:59 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - Luvnit2 - 07-14-2023, 06:25 PM
RE: Cocaine in the West Wing - samhain - 07-14-2023, 10:37 PM

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