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Teachers Union Knows better than Parents what is good for their children????
In most cases, yes your child's teacher knows better than the parent how to educate the child. It is their job and it is their training. And despite the conservative line, there really is no "political" agenda. Teacher's don't have the time.

That isn't cutting parents out. Teachers want parental involvement. They want them to come to events and conferences. They want them to volunteer. They want insight how what makes your child tick. They want them to know what their child is learning and how to help them do better. They want parents to understand the truth of what is going on in their classrooms not the stories made up by people with political agendas.

What they don't want is parents telling them how to do their job.

But, it is also not the teacher's job to teach only from one set of parents' political or religious viewpoints. If you want that don't send them to public school. They have students from every walk of life, religion, and political background.

The most important thing a parent can teach their child before school is respect for others regardless of how they act, look, and think. And way too many parents fail at that leaving the schools to deal with the issues that arise

It is also not their job to teach the fantasy of America. It is their job to teach the reality. So if racism existed in America children need to understand that racism existed and the impact that the past still has on today.

Your post quotes Oklahoma School Superintendent who just the other day said their schools could teach about the Tulsa RACE riots as long as race wasn't mentioned. Yeah...that's educating a child.

In the last 12 years, the state of Ohio under 2 Republican governors and Republican majority statehouses went from having the 5th best public schools in the country to having the 24th in the country. Over $1 billion dollars was diverted from the public schools to a private online charter school. They went bust leaving Ohio taxpayers on the hook and the public schools way short of cash. The states with the lowest education rankings in the country are red states. I doubt that is just a coincidence.

Children, regardless of age, deserve the truth and honesty in their education. If they are old enough to ask questions they are old enough for age-appropriate answers. You cannot teach a child how to use critical thinking skills without challenging them to think. And you must start teaching those skills from the day they enter school

Shoot me, but no book should ever be off-limits. Books are screened by trained librarians for school libraries. A parent can prevent his own child from reading a book but he doesn't have the right to pull that book from every other child.

Curious people read. People who go on to do great things read. Leaders read

Books open up a child's world and awaken their imaginations but of course, that is what conservatives are afraid of...children that learn to think for themselves.

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.


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RE: Teachers Union Knows better than Parents what is good for their children???? - pally - 07-13-2023, 08:24 PM

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