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Eventually, the truth always comes out
I thought the DOJ had a policy about not commenting on ongoing investigations?

Knowing how Comey publicly commenting about an investigation and Russian hackers releasing hacked emails at Trumps request swayed the 2016 election. I can understand the letter signed by 50 former people if they were indeed retired and had no direct knowledge of the laptop. Who would have guessed Hunter was dumb enough to leave an incriminating laptop behind?

I have serious questions about the timing of the laptop story. I see it as another obvious attempt to steal another election with fear and hysteria. They had the laptop in 2019. America finds out about it weeks before the election late 2020…….. not a coincidence at all. So the GOP is butthurt their October surprise didn’t work to steal the presidency and so now America gets to hear about it daily going on 4 years now.

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RE: Eventually, the truth always comes out - NATI BENGALS - 07-22-2023, 12:58 AM

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