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Why couldn’t we keep the momentum going after the 2006 season?
There's a reason my ex is my ex. She was the same way. Always grinding about how this is wrong, or that is wrong, or how not letting her sister come live with us 10 years ago still made her mad. Like some of you, her entire family was that way. I remember telling her Father (my ex Father -in-Law) who was the same way, to take his negative BS out of my house.

I kind of feel the same way here in Jungle Noise. How much negative discussion do you need to make you feel better? Marvin's not here. Carson's not here. Odell is not here. Chad is not here. Hell, Mike Brown doesn't even get his hands into the team all that much anymore. His daughter and grandkids are doing the heavy lifting these days. And, it's all positive. What more do you want?

We've hashed out the past teams over and over and over again. Now, we're doing well and some of you still want to rehash the past over and over and over, again! When is enough...enough!!!!!!

Personally, I'm going to enjoy where we are now. And, am so positive moving forward.....well into the next decade.

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RE: Why couldn’t we keep the momentum going after the 2006 season? - Graphicguy - 07-26-2023, 03:19 PM

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