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Rudy Giuliani admits it was all a lie.
Rudy Giuliani admits everything regarding Trump's Big Election lie was just a lie peddled by a sore loser spoiled brat and his clown car show of lawyers in an attempt to overthrow our Democracy with an attack on our Constitution.  Rudy also admits the claims against the Georgia election workers were also lies.  

Facing total disbarment with state and federal criminal charges looming, Rudy is hoping to hide behind the 1st Amendment.  We know how that defense worked out for Fox when they KNOWINGLY spewed their lies and they had to pay almost $1-Trillion as a consequence of the garbage they spew.  I expect Rudy to take a plea deal and turn state's evidence in the prosecution of Benedict Donald the Traitor tRump.  The Orange Don the conman clown is goin' down fittingly like the big POS to which he's akin.

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Rudy Giuliani admits it was all a lie. - BIGDADDYFROMCINCINNATI - 07-28-2023, 06:13 PM

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