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UFO Whistleblower - David Grusch
(07-30-2023, 01:40 PM)GMDino Wrote: I've always believed we couldn't be the ONLY intelligent life in the universe.  Sometimes I don't believe we are intelligent life!  LMAO!

But now I think it is more about interdimensional travel that space travel.  And if that is so then it is possible we have found wreckage or maybe even had contact on a higher level.

I would hope that a civilization that is that advanced is beyond war and pillaging, and that they would not treat US like we have treated civilizations that we thought were "inferior" or "backward".

"Hope" being the key word there.

Definitely agree with you. 
I am surprised the government is starting to do more than flat out deny it but maybe the happenings are becoming much more common and/or the government wants civilians to be more in the know in case they need a militia to help fight them. 

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RE: UFO Whistleblower - David Grusch - M.W. - 07-30-2023, 04:16 PM

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