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When will the GOP admit to themselves and their voters the truth about Donald Trump a
(08-24-2023, 01:25 PM)hollodero Wrote: Hm. I can't say for certain that this constitutes an abuse of power. Violations of rules and laws seem like a legit reason to shut down a dealership. Whether the consequences meet the offenses or whether there were no real offenses in the first place, I can not say for certain even after reading the article. I doubt, however, that this affair really threads the needle significantly for many people.

It is.  They are shutting down people's businesses because of common paperwork errors.  I have two friends who have FFL's.  Both confirm this is far from the norm.  I agree it's not a major issue for most people, but it's a perfect example of how Biden's administration abuses their power.  It's also the first one to come to mind.

Quote:An understandable reason to vote GOP. Not so much to go full Trump in the primaries though.
Even more so since Trump's reputation as being law and order is somewhat damaged by his conduct. Meaning, he did plenty crimes, from fake universities and Kushner Quatari deals to insurrectionist schemes. I get that many people see that differently, but said people are not gettable for Democrats anyway.

There are plenty those of people who are gettable by Dems if they rolled back the far left push (far left for the US anyways).  As you correctly point out we have a binary choice.  I can absolutely understand a person being turned off enough by Dem positions to hold their nose and vote for Trump.  Especially, as I said earlier, given that things were perceivably better when he was POTUS.

Quote:Oh sure, no one of those people can unseat Trump. That much is apparent. I just think the reasons are not the rational ones you are listing.
I just have difficulty envisiong the person on the fence that now opts for Trump over these indictments. Putting the Stormy issue aside, which imho does not really matter all that much for most folks. The other indictments are clearly not just made up charges. Whoever only believes FOX will have a different take, but again those aren't the people that would ever contemplate to vote for a Democrat anyway.

Here's the problem with the Bragg indictment.  It's flimsy as hell and literally everyone is acknowledging it, even far left sources.  When you lump it in with everything else it absolutely pollutes the perceived legitimacy of the other indictments.  Bragg literally slipped a rotten apple into the barrel and for many it's already turned the whole barrel rotten.  If you're going to go after a former POTUS then you'd best have a rock solid unassailable case.  Bragg does not, nor does he even come close to it.  I've said it before, Bragg did more than any other single person to taint any indictments of Trump in the eyes of millions.

Quote:Take someone like yourself, meaning someone who does not fall for FOX narratives. Would someone like yourself really feel inclined to vote for Trump in a primary (again, not talking general election) because of the Bragg indictment or over democratic policies or gun dealers or anything of that sort? Why would one do so, if not being a full Trump supporter from the start?

No, I would not.  A possible reason why someone would is they think he's the person with the best shot at beating Biden.  Another would be to think he's being unfairly persecuted, a perception which Bragg lends a lot of credence to.  Thankfully, I don't live in a state in which it would matter, because I honestly don't know which of the two I'd vote for in the general election if I was forced to choose.  Unless something radically changes I can't envision myself voting for a Democrat again in my entire life.  The misery they've unleased here is so bad if you wrote a script detailing it and showed it to me three years ago I'd have told you what you wrote was literally impossible.  I thank the powers that be every day that I bought a house in Orange County in 2020, because LA is in a very sorry state.

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RE: When will the GOP admit to themselves and their voters the truth about Donald Trump a - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 08-24-2023, 01:42 PM

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