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Forget Politics, are we heading for a recession
(09-08-2023, 01:25 PM)hollodero Wrote: As of now I have never seen anyone argueing that illegal immigrants played a role in the fall of the Weimar republic.
So, it wasn't just the Germans who are to blame for Hitler's rise after all. It's those non-Germans flooding the country.

Rome, sure, it got overrun by the Goths. I guess one can paint getting conquered as a huge influx of illegal immigrants.

No one is going to say that because it’s not PC to say that. It’s a common theme that’s pretty hard to ignore. I don’t understand people who don’t see a problem with so many poorly educated, low-skilled workers flooding the border, decreasing wages and in many cases, not assimilating, getting benefits, and costing tax payers money every year. Arizona shouldn’t have to deal with hundreds of thousands of illegal border crossings per year. I’m sure that hospital in Yuma really loved giving $26M in medical bills to illegal immigrants. 

New York City’s woke mayor who was all about the illegal immigrants wouldn’t do a 180 and say “this will be the death of the city” if it were a good thing. Takes a pretty convincing situation to hear those words out of his idiotic mouth. Martha’s Vineyard couldn’t even handle 50 before they forced them out. 

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RE: Forget Politics, are we heading for a recession - LSUfaninTN - 09-08-2023, 05:48 PM

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