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Keeping Tee Will Have Some Consequences
The main reason I'm salty about this is that we just saw it play out with Bates. The media will feed us this story non-stop for the next two years. They're holding the playbook already. It's lather rinse repeat. Soon we'll/they'll start vilifying Tee for not wanting to take a "hometown discount" (you know that thing that doesn't actually exist in the real world? Yeah that thing) to stay with a winner. Then we'll re-frame him like he's not worth the money anyway, "Ja'Marr's the true WR1, Tee's just a Robin," etc. Then we'll have plenty of time to consider the best way to get rid of him: whether to let him go and take the draft comp, when/if to tag him once/twice, or whether to orchestrate a trade....

All while he's still with the team.

It's such a distraction and I wish it weren't so. The next two years will be incredible for this franchise and he'll be a BIG part of it. We're about to watch history play out. If Tee and Mulugheta are able to compartmentalize the business from the game, we should follow their lead. Problem is the media has no interest in letting us do so. It's in their best interest to keep it alive. That's why you have a guy like Malik Wrighttttt telling everyone to "Relax!" during the Bates negotiations that were going nowhere, and were never going to go anywhere: it's not that he had a scoop, it's that he didn't want to lose his audience. Same thing now with Zim WhoDey and Tee: "It's done, it's done, it's done... just keep watching this space!" To have to listen to these guys pay their bills for the next two/three years will be excruciating.

Anyway, I just wish there were a way to mute that "story" and its mindless "updates" in advance, because it'll be buzzing around like an invisible fly from now until the day Tee lands somewhere else. It's so unnecessary lol


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RE: Keeping Tee Will Have Some Consequences - tms - 09-09-2023, 12:17 AM

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