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Forget Politics, are we heading for a recession
(09-10-2023, 08:20 AM)hollodero Wrote: OK, I can see it now, and I will take parts of my anger back with an apology. You did not ask me whether murderers should be allowed to stay.
Half of my anger still remains since you compared crossing the border illegally with murder or bank robbery. To which my answer would be, it is far from a similar thing and yeah one of these crimes can be forgiven and it is not akin to forgiving murder. This is still a tainted, unfair analogy.

Yes, that is what I meant.  I was responding to the comments about people being here illegally for decades and also what if they were children.  I was saying that we don't forgive poeple who rob a bank or murder just because a certain amount of time has passed.

Well, you can take all your anger back because I wasn't comparing illegal aliens crossing the border to murderers and/or bank robbers.  Those were just the first things that came to my when talking about how we don't ignore crimes just because of the passage of time.  I was not saying illegal aliens are equivelent to murderers and bank robbers.

You know, when Trump tried to offer up amnesty in return for actual real effective border policy changes and enforcement  Iwas actually all for it.  Unfortunately, and I can't remmeber which side or could have been both sides, rejected that proposal.

I am also 100% for legal, checked immigration.  I welcoime any foreigner who wants to enter the USA and become a citizen the correct way and be a productive member of society.

I actually have no problem with pretty much anyone frfom anywhere.  Black, white, hispanic, asian, etc, etc, etc.   What I do have aproblem with is people thinking they just have a right to flood into the usa illegally.  That's where my feelz get turned off.  This may sound harsh, but their circumstances in their home country is not my problem and does not give them the right to illegally enter the USA.

I will also say something about Samhain calling me an internet tough guy and keytboard warrior, etc or whatever he said.  I did not call anyone here any names.  I questioned the intelligence of the nyc mayor Eric Adams.  He supports a sanctuary city and says all are welcome.  He obviously doesn't have the inteligence to think big picture.  Now his sanctuary city of nyc is becoming overrun with illegals and he is begging for federal aid and literally saying that illegals are "going to destroy nyc".  He refuses to acknowledge or can't comprehend what the actual root causes are.  So ya, he obviously lacks self awareness and intelligence.  That's not being a tough guy, that's just pointing out facts.  I also bring this up because of your comment about the states not really having to spend crap loads on illegal immigration.  Here is a quote from Adams himself:  “If we don’t get the support we need, New Yorkers could be left with a $12 billion bill,” Mr. Adams said in a speech from City Hall. “While New York City will continue to lead, it’s time the state and federal government step up.”   And the link to the very left leaning ny times article the quote came from.

Illegal immigration costs the taxpayers of the usa billions upon billions every year.  It's bs and a core function of our fed gov't is to secure opur borders and protect our country.  At this point i truly believe that the left is doing this on purpose with hopes of a massive voter influx as their radical policies can't make it through real legislation.  One of the reasons, imo, they are so upset about having a SCOTUS that follows the constitution.  Look at the NM gov who literally just ignored her oath and constitution and temp banned guns.  We have elected officials now flagrantly and purposefully violating their oath and the constitution to push their insane Regressive ideology/agenda. 

None of the rich elite want illegals either.  It's all virtuo signaling.  Marthas Vinyard couldn't house and get jobs for 50 illegals?  They declared a "humanitarian crisis" for 50 people.  My God.  *facepalm*  lmao!!  I mean, cmon man.  These are super rich people with tons of room to shelter 50 poeple.  Nope.  They scream crisis over 50 people and get rid of them quick.  Let me know the next rich, famous, elite people that advocate for illegals to be sent to their neighborhood.  It won't and doesn't happen.  They allow it and advocate for it, but don't want anything to do with it unless those illegals are their workers or servants.  It's for the rest of us peasants to deal with.

Anyway, have a good day and Who-Dey!!!!!!!

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RE: Forget Politics, are we heading for a recession - Mickeypoo - 09-10-2023, 10:06 AM

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