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Forget Politics, are we heading for a recession
(09-10-2023, 10:27 AM)samhain Wrote: This is more bullshit.  The "rich elite" absolutely want illegals.  Just not the media coastal rich elite that the right likes to trot out as the evil overlords.  The actual rich elite, ie people who own means of production both national and international, can not get enough of cheap labor.  They love seeing anything drive down wages and insure a constant source of manpower free of legal accountability.  

The reality is, although they may not know it, the street level white nationalist MAGA drones love illegals, too.  They just don't realize it.  Let all of these jobs occupied by alleged civilization-destroying Latin Americans go unoccupied.  Go ahead and mandate that these jobs be filled by Americans at a fair wage/salary with benefits.  Go ahead and make ag companies send American labor into fields to harvest crops.  Let them shell out to attract Americans to build decks and put roofs on houses in 92 degree summer heat for days on end.  Let little Johnny get off of his PS5 for an afternoon to trim the tree with branches hanging over your roof for the price that comes to pay that fair wage to the homegrown worker.  

The MAGA faithful will be bitching up a storm about prices going up faster than you can say "It was Soros all along".  Hell they already clutch pearls when anyone suggests a minimum wage increase, citing the impact it will have on the costs of goods and services.  Take that theory and multiply it by a hundred or so.  

As Trump said in 2016 during his first campaign, "You make too much money.".  The corporate elite in this country have alway believed this.  They may support MAGA stupidity to get the anti-immigrant crowd riled up at rallies and get the tax cuts flowing , but it's all a means of duping the mob.  There's no way they want to stop illegal immigration, and there's not really anything they can do to effectively curb it anyway.  

Blaming the poorest of the poor who have no political power whatsoever makes a political position look weak.  I can't believe people still flock to anti-immigrant rhetoric like trained dogs every time some far-right clown opens his mouth.  

The rich elite want illegals for their slave labor, they absolutely do not want them living anywhere near them; which is my point.  Please show me a community with wealthy people that have or would vote for housing to be put into their community for the homeless, illegals, mentally ill, etc.  That would get voted down unanimously.  That's for us peasants to deal with.  

Look at nyc.  Sanctuary city.  We love and welcome everyone.  Bunch of fake, virtue signaling frauds.  Now illegals are going to literally destroy nyc according to mayor.  What a joke these people are.  It was all great until they had to back up their talk and poliices.

You type all this maga this white national that.  People have a spectrum of viewpoiints.  I support some Left views and I suppoort some right views.  I am a registered Independent.  I am willing to compromise on any issue as there are always 2 sides and nobody can get everything they want.  I am a fierce supporter of our military, police, first reposnders.  I love my country and want it to be great always.  I am also white.  I'd be interested to see how you stereotype me.

You called me a tough guy, keyboard warrior, etc, but I see you doing the same thing but worse.  You are just stereotyping poeple and labeling them.  I called out one persons intelligence (mayor adams) based on their specific actions and statements and called our pols on both sides a girl part for the very specific reason of not securing our border and adopting sound immigration policies over the decades.

You are just making excuses for why illegal immigration should be allowed.  Heck, i'm already down 700-800 a month since Biden came into office, might as well rip off the band-aid and get rid of the cheap illegal alien labor also.

As far as minimum wage, it is absolutely true if you keep raising it companies will keep raising prices.  McDonalads is not supposed to be a job you buy a house with and raise a family.

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RE: Forget Politics, are we heading for a recession - Mickeypoo - 09-10-2023, 01:44 PM

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