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Honest question for Trump supporters
(09-10-2023, 10:23 AM)pally Wrote: Say he does get re-elected in 2024, how does he bridge the gap between the people he loves to call Marxists and commies (ie Democrats and Biden voters) and MAGA?  Because frankly, its one thing for half the country to dislike the president and its another thing for the president to dislike half the country.  So how does he overcome that to lead the ENTIRE country?

Same way Biden bridges the gap. He doesn't. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will convince the post-modernist leftists that their policies are not only not working, but haven't worked throughout history. Like Jason Whitlock said, you just can't have peace with these people anymore. You cannot bridge the gap no matter who is in office. They're out of their minds. If you're going to call me a bigot for sticking true to the gender binary (which has been good enough for humans for 250,000 years, and only became bigoted 3 years ago), if you're trying to say puberty blockers are a good thing for healthy children, that white kids should be guilted by CRT references in math textbooks, that Jacob Blake is a martyr for trying to stab a cop after being arrested for violating a restraining order for raping a girl... sorry, I can't go there with you. That's leftist crap that we live with today. I've personally had enough and so have most Republicans and all Trump supporters.

Also, I don't believe Trump "dislikes" half of the country, but even if he did, why do you think that's unique to Trump? "Basket of deplorables" comes to mind. 

Last thing... Republican/conservative =/= Trump "supporter." I don't like Trump, but I'll vote for him, because I just want the country to not suck. I'm tired of a political party who says white supremacists are the #1 threat to domestic security yet turns a blind eye to the fact that black on black and black on white violence is taking thousands of lives each year. I'm tired of people being ashamed of the country for made up reasons, and acting like slavery didn't happen (and in many cases STILL happens) in every country that ever existed. I'm tired of the left wanting to destroy our history and paint us out to be some evil oppressive place when 25% of the executive branch is black, and a black president was voted in twice, along with MANY of the major cities being led by black majors and prodominantly black city councils. Let's see that stuff happen in the utopia that is France, Switzerland, or Sweden. I'm tired of Brittney Griner and another black athletes representing the country in the Olympics and protesting the anthem. She's a millionaire for playing a kid's game, and got freaking traded for the Merchant of Death. This country is a joke and people who think that's oppressive are even bigger jokes.

I want stronger borders (so does the woke mayor of NYC now, too), limited federal government, merit-based hirings and scholarships (as opposed to the left prioritizing skin color above anything else), white people to not be guilted about stuff they never did, black people being told every time they have a bad day it's because of racism... etc. 

That being said, I'm also pro gay-marriage, pro-choice, pro funding for the arts, etc. 

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RE: Honest question for Trump supporters - LSUfaninTN - 09-10-2023, 10:21 PM

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