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"Diversity is not our strength": Cincy's own Ramaswamy 2024!
(09-10-2023, 08:47 PM)GMDino Wrote: Oh.  


They really do want it to be the 1950's.  Well, at least the television version.

Being raised in a single mother household is an undeniable obstacle. It’s certainly not insurmountable, but an obstacle nonetheless. The left has made it “bigoted and sexist” to point this out. 70% of kids in juvenile detention centers are from single mother households. 60% of rapists come from single mother homes. 60% of teen suicides, 70% of drug abusers and alcoholics, 80% of all prison inmates, and 90% of the homeless are from single mother households. I’ve been to rehab twice (85 days sober, hell yeah!). I kid you not, al most everyone came from a single mother household. I was in a cabin of 12 people. 10 of them from single mother households. Almost all of them had been in trouble with the law at some point, some even a decade plus in prison. Hell, I watched a guy get arrested by 10 ATF cars when I was there. That’s an anecdote but still pretty crazy. The fact that the left especially ignores all of this is mindblowing but pretty par for the course for them. Let’s just pay them more than men, that would solve everything. 

The gender pay gap is also highly exaggerated and not just due to gender. Not saying it doesn’t exist in some capacity, but this notion that you would solve all problems by raising their hourly wage by a few dollars… it’s just stupid. Really stupid. Not to mention, pay is almost identical up until around age 27. Career choices also play a factor. Even in Scandinavia, arguably the most “gender progressive” place on earth, women tend to gravitate toward jobs that involve working with people, men working with things. Hours per week (women average 35, men average 40) also do. Again, the left is just incapable of conducting a multi variable analysis. 

When he says diversity is not our strength — I take that to mean, stop insisting that every group of people in schools, businesses, movies… etc, HAVE to have different color skin (unless it’s all black, then diversity ceases to matter). The ones who make diversity such a big deal are almost ALWAYS talking about skin color. That’s not a strength in and of itself. Diversity of ideas, backgrounds, perspective… THAT’S a strength, but no one gives a shit about that these days. China is kicking our asses right now, they have no diversity. On the other hand, you can even argue that the way the left prioritizes diversity is actually a weakness, because over time, if you separate people into groups (notice how 90% of black Americans feel compelled to vote democratic), they eventually form tribes (you will not change 250,000 years of human evolution which has always done this) and get pissed off at each other. Diversity of skin color and naturally forming factions in this country, is currently leading to a lack of unity, in which case it becomes a weakness. What do you think the culture war is about now? 

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RE: "Diversity is not our strength": Cincy's own Ramaswamy 2024! - LSUfaninTN - 09-11-2023, 01:26 AM

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