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Honest question for Trump supporters
(09-11-2023, 12:06 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: You can't put a square peg in a round hole. Obama did not unite the country. HRC campaigned on hating Trump supporters (deplorables), Biden said he woud unite the country, yet his spokesperson speaks of MAGA (supporters) as they are in some type of cult.

Sadly, at this point I see a divisive country continuing whether a Democrat or Republican wins in 2024. The question becomes which person you vote for based on your beliefs, based on who you think will do the best job on our economy, who will do best on stopping illegal immigration and other issues.

The difference between Trump supporters and Biden (Democratic) supporters is I don't hate Joe Biden, I hate Joe Biden's poor policies, I hate Joe Biden's leadership makes our country look weak and frail. I am upset at a minimum he allowed his son to use his position power to influence foreign countries into giving the Biden family tens of millions of dollars.

On a personal level, I feel sorry for Joe Biden being placed in a position when it is obvious, his mental and physical skills are diminishing by the day. Today they interrupted him taking questions in Viet Nam (foreign soil). That is embarrassing for him and our country.

Yeah the Democrats HATE Trump as a person. That’s kind of their MO. They don’t like to talk about policies, they don’t even really know a lot of them. They just make up their minds that Ron DeSantis hates gay people (the “don’t say gay” bill is a perfect example of how they falsely label shit that they don’t like) or he’s racist or whatever. That’s all they have. Insult the person not their policies. The only main democrats I feel like that about are Pelosi and Newsom. I really do hate those 2. Everyone else I just see as either a crook/full of shit (Hillary, Biden, Obama) or a complete idiot (Bernie, Warren, Kamala). 

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RE: Honest question for Trump supporters - LSUfaninTN - 09-11-2023, 11:02 AM

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