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Are Democrats going to push masks and vaccines again?
(09-09-2023, 09:52 PM)Eraserhead Wrote: I'm convinced that if all it took to end human suffering was to wear a mask one day per year for life,, many on the right would still piss and moan and refuse to do it.

No. The right called BS on the mask mandates, the vaccine, the curfews, the deadliness of the virus… etc. In this case, it turned out the skepticism was 100% justified.

Let me walk you through the sequence of events that illustrate how wrong the left was re: vaccine. Keep in mind, every time before the goal posts moved, if you were caught publicly opposing any of this, you were accused of disinformation. 

First, we were told the vaccine would keep you from getting it. Next, we were told you can still get it but can’t spread it. After that, it was, OK guys, just kidding, you can both get it AND spread it, but it won’t be as bad. If you questioned any of this while they were happening, your posts on Twitter were flagged and you were called a right wing bigot, etc. At NO POINT did the left think, as the goalposts kept changing, “hey, maybe there’s reason to be skeptical about this whole thing because they clearly don’t know what they’re talking about.” 

Fast forward to now, even though they won’t admit it, the left was wrong. Way wrong.

(09-09-2023, 09:52 PM)samhain Wrote: America breeds a very large amount of selfish assholes

I agree but not in the way that you meant it. The selfish folks are the people who thought it’d be OK to shut down the country for 2 years for a virus that was completely overblown. 

To illustrate, here’s a first hand example of how people shutting down the country for a not-so-deadly virus was selfish: the Blue Whale in Los Angeles. You can google most of this in case you think it’s a baseless anecdote. The former owner moved from Korea to start the Blue Whale jazz club. I was there opening night when 4 people showed up, to where a few years later it became everyone’s favorite jazz club in the city. Him being an immigrant who moved here and barely spoke English at the time, starting a successful business in such a difficult and competitive field, epitomized the American dream. With the shutdowns, he eventually went bankrupt and closed down because of the pandemic after 11 years of success.

What you can’t google, since I knew him personally, I can say: he had a mental breakdown during the lockdowns because he lost his dream, he relapsed (cocaine and alcohol), and moved back to Korea and no one has heard from him since. Many people had their lives changed in similar ways, permanently, by these lockdowns for a virus that, let’s be honest, really wasn’t that bad. Did the left care about people like him? No. They still don’t. You can say the right is selfish all you want… the right cared about people whose livelihoods were changed or destroyed by lockdowns for a virus with a 99+% survival rate. The right saw through the whole thing and realized it was just overblown to get Trump out of office. It’s just that simple. I’ll ask you this: was it worth it?

I’ve said it a few times, there is no capability for skepticism on the left. They just do what their government overlords tell them. The left has become a group of “useful idiots” for America’s enemies, and the Democratic politicians who will tell them anything they want to hear, just to stay in power. 

Is it too much to ask for someone, anyone, on the left, to admit… “alright… we screwed up.” ? Just one person. 

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RE: Are Democrats going to push masks and vaccines again? - LSUfaninTN - 09-12-2023, 01:04 PM

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