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New Mexico governor deliberately violates Constitution
(09-13-2023, 08:36 AM)Dill Wrote: I wish you could too. Trump is maybe not the best springboard for launching an attack on the dangers of leftist "fascism." 
And that's because of something that actually ended up happening.

Why do you think "the left" has been pushing for "fascism"? 

Have they been arguing that the state is the destiny of its people, 
and that the nation requires a leader above the law, to whom the military and government officials should 
demonstrate personal loyalty?  Without knowing it?

Found one!

Dude, Trump isn’t a fascist. Too many on the left think fascist just means “mean white guy.” Name one policy he had that was fascist. “He tried to overturn the election”, no, he genuinely believed it was rigged against him. With the Hunter Biden laptop story, the 2 year long frivolous Russia investigation, the way that the media has twisted his words and words of Republicans’ (“don’t say gay”, “Muslim ban”, “stronger borders = xenophobia and racism”), I don’t blame him. 

Here’s a small outline of how the left is displaying fascism:

1) Manipulation of speech. Plenty of examples of this, but one sticks out to me. If you’ll remember, last year we had 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. This, by definition, is a recession. That’s literally what the word means and has meant ever since it was coined. The White House announced the recession on a Friday, but didn’t call it a recession, and by Monday, the definition for “recession” had changed first on Wikipedia — but only the U.S. part. Look up what they changed the meaning of recession to. Do the research and see it for yourself. George Orwell was an genius. Also, there was the whole “he staged an insurrection” thing… an insurrection is an armed and violent takeover of the government. On January 6th, there was no gunfire from the civilians, and most of them were probably gun owners. How is that an insurrection again? Even so, he didn’t “stage” anything. Look at his last few tweets before Twitter banned him. He specifically called for peaceful protests saying that they were the party of law and order. Media didn’t report that. Just pushed a false narrative.

2) This is more Nazi-esque, but, the obsession with race. Traditional liberalism sought a colorblind society. This is the complete opposite of the left today—the left is absolutely OBSESSED with race. They bring it into every discussion. They categorize people by skin color and demand they act a certain way (“If they don’t vote for me, they ain’t black” - Joe Biden). For a good example of this, look up Candace Owens’ interview on CNN. She’s a black conservative (which, to many on the left means she’s a black white supremacist or Uncle Tom), and the first question she was asked by the anchor was “are you concerned about the color in the White House”? Our race relations now are worse than they were in the 90s, and it is SOLELY inflicted by the left. 

3) Controlling nearly all of mainstream and social media. They protect Biden at every turn. They colluded with Twitter and the FBI to shut down the one story that would’ve sunk Biden’s campaign. They let him get away with reading “end of quote, repeat the line” on a teleprompter, but when Trump tweeted “covfefe” the media went into a frenzy calling for a cognitive ability test. You see people mention stuff on this board alone about things the media ignores that Biden has done, or the democrats have done, that the media will not cover, because it makes him look bad. Try reading them some time. Not all of them are true, but many of them are dead on. 

4) Taking over universities. This has been happening for decades, but now the left is moving into middle schools and elementary schools with trans ideology, to the point where my girlfriend’s kid and her friends came home and said they all want to be or think they are trans. The typical retort is “Christianity is shoved down everyone’s throats too” to which I say… when’s the last time a non-religious kid came home from a public, non religious school and said “I want to be a Christian!”

5) Cancel culture. At first it was cancelling people like David Duke. Now they go after people like Jordan Peterson (Twitter suspension) pretty routinely. The big concern here is that, whether a person actually is a racist or a homophobe, that doesn’t matter. Orwellian “thought crimes” are a weapon of the left; the mere “accusation” that you’re a racist is enough to put a stain on or, if you’re famous enough, ruin your career. I could go on and on about instances were leftist students hijacked public speeches by conservatives by screaming nonsense and stepping up on the stage with signs and such, but you can see plenty of videos of that.  

98% of Twitter employees voted democratic in 2020. 98%. 

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RE: New Mexico governor deliberately violates Constitution - LSUfaninTN - 09-13-2023, 11:44 AM

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