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New Mexico governor deliberately violates Constitution
(09-14-2023, 10:59 AM)Dill Wrote: Might as well say "the Left" has been weaponizing race and racism since the Civil Rights movement began affecting public policy and law in the 1950s. The struggle for racial equality was linked to "the Left" and especially Communism even before that, as early as the 1930s.

I don't know much about Musk and Twitter. Not an issue I followed very closely. Would love to see examples of what's deleted and what's not, and why.

I would like to comment on your take on Affirmative Action (we've already had discussions on that in this forum) but it might ultimately save time if I asked a few questions first.

E.g., given the correlation between parental wealth and admissions to college--especially to top-tier universities--how could the end of AA be expected to do anything but increase racial inequality?  To me it just looks like the limitation of black wealth accumulation resulting from a century of segregation laws continues to have a residual effect via "color blind" admissions, while white privilege gets a boost as legacy admissions fill spaces that formerly went to more qualified minorities.

Also, can you give one or two examples of "weaponizing race" which aren't simply efforts to achieve racial equality in areas where inequality is still evident?  

I agree let's take it one point at a time, I'm getting to old to be organized for this, I'll just elaborate on weaponization of race (which really amounts to getting votes for the Democrats by creating things that don't actually exist) and affirmative action. All of this is a complicated issue so I’ll try to stay on target, but the general sense I get is, the Democrats create or exaggerate a conflict, designate a scapegoat (typically white Republicans), say they need to be stopped (more on the white supremacy nonsense later), and plan on getting more votes that way than the other way around.

How the left weaponizes race: it goes beyond specific examples, it’s an entire mentality, campaign and determination to make race the center point of everything. A lot of it, you could sum it up with LBJ’s famous quote (“I’ll have them ______’s voting democrat for the next 200 years), which, IMO, is still their approach. One of the ways they use in order to weaponize race, is the lying about racial crimes and race relations in the US. The monopolized left media's coverage (not just MSM either) of racial incidents has you think that white people are dangerous and picking off black people left and right, in an unending series of hate crimes. Black on white crime is never covered, white on black crime is covered CONSTANTLY, though it happens far less. Joe Biden said, "White supremacy is the biggest threat to domestic security." How? Explain that. Black Americans are responsible for 51% of murders, 51% of robberies, 35% of aggravated assaults, 27% of motor vehicle thefts, and 30% of rapes, yet are only 12% of the population. They’re just lying, there's no other way to put it. Biden displayed this when he didn't talk about the black murderer in Florida who drove a car into 70 white people killing 6, but was on the first train out to the Buffalo shooting (which was, ironically, in retaliation to the lack of media coverage on the Florida black supremacist killing). This was blatant pandering to get votes.

You brought up affirmative action, generational wealth, legacy admissions, etc. I have a problem with “white” being synonymous with “generational wealth” which is basically what affirmative action says. It’s not. At present, 47% of black Americans are middle class, 49% of whites. 87% and 92% respectively are graduating high school. Not a lot of people realize that, but the Dems nurture this narrative that black people can't get ahead no matter what they do. This is where the Dems controlling the media gets very dangerous. Hence, an exaggerated need for affirmative action and further potential resentment. Not to mention black kids growing up feeling discouraged because of these mostly mythical barriers the Dems tell them they face. The ones who tell them those barriers aren’t real, like Candace Owens and Tim Scott, are shunned by the media and called “Uncle Tom” (in Scott’s case, Uncle Tim was a popular hashtag on Twitter).

One of the other big hits and justifications for special treatment for blacks, according to the Democratic party is the subject of police brutality. This was completely overblown by the Dems and exaggerated. I've covered most of it in a diff post so I won't repeat. Rashard Brooks is dead because he resisted arrest and punched and tried to tase a cop, not because he's black. This is on video. Despite that, the Wendy’s, where he was drunk and passed out in the drive thru and subsequently blew a .15 or so, was burned down. Literally because the dude got shot for trying to tase a cop. I even remember an MSNBC anchor saying the racist cop should’ve just driven him home instead of arrested him. I’m white, I would’ve loved my DUI to have been handled like that too. Most of the cases like Rashard's were overblown, no research was done on the part of the rioters, resulting in resentment and countless business being destroyed as well as racial relations in neighborhoods, houses, property... etc. 

People of all races will eventually have to be treated equally. Right now minorities, outside of Asian, have all the advantage for decades, particularly black Americans. If I'm not mistaken, I think the new ruling says that universities will look at financial backgrounds and upbringing instead. Up to this point, affirmative action doesn't acknowledge the difference of "having generational wealth" and "being white." I have no generational wealth (grandfather gambled away my dad's inheritance as well as put him into debt when he died). Treating races differently, just from a philosophical perspective, really does create an "us and them" environment. It's only natural that it's formed separate tribes ("This year the Oscars has an all-black production team!" "Support black businesses" "Government aid for hurricane victims in Florida will first go to communities of color" "Black farmers get priority for government aid", etc). 

What the hell is all that crap? People are sick of it. Literally the exact opposite of what MLK wanted. You can't count on a high school drop out broke white coal miner from West Virginia listening intently to black kids who got a free ride to college tell him how privileged he is forever. Enough already.

Last point... affirmative action and diversity quotas make it so blacks only have to compete with other blacks for jobs / college admissions, whites against whites, etc. Seeing as black Americans consistently score lower than the other races, their performances will continue to fall short if they’re kept isolated from other “tribes” (I hate that term, but it is what it is). In this way, affirmative action is actually hurting black America. Sports metaphor: OU is in the big 12. We all know they're not performing as well as the SEC, but they won the conference, so we put them in the playoffs anyway. Well, you know the rest.

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RE: New Mexico governor deliberately violates Constitution - LSUfaninTN - 09-14-2023, 01:41 PM

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