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Honest question for Trump supporters
(09-15-2023, 12:36 PM)GMDino Wrote: To me it doesn't even matter if he "sicced" [sic] a mob on the Capitol.  

Can we name one, just one, person who lost the election for POTUS and then not only denied he lost, not only falsely claimed he was the victim of "massive" voter fraud, not only did EVERY bit of "proof" get rejected by the courts (including some judges appointed by  P01135809 himself) but also held a personal rally on the same day as the vote was to certified AND told the crowd to march down tot he capitol and "encourage" the voters there to "do the right thing"?

Just one.

How about on a state level?  City?


What he did was the spark to the dried up grass and sticks that created the matter how he worded it.

He tweeted to be "peaceful" AFTER the barriers were breached, police were injured and doors were broken.  

And he committed many crimes.  Some of which he has admitted to on tape and in interviews.

I’m not denying that it was “unprecedented” though there were MANY things that were unprecedented, most of which worked against Trump in a shady ass way. My point was that the claim that “siccing an assault on the Capitol” is bogus, and we need to be factual here. “Do the right thing” is nowhere near the same as him saying “pretend you’re BLM and mindlessly break a bunch of sh*t for no reason.” The Jan 6 protesters did that on their own. There was a small handful of weak minded fools who were easily provoked that day. Trump wanted a protest, and it went so much further than the election being “stolen.” Of course he said it after it was breached. Why would he say it before? Do you have proof that he truly expected a riot and not a protest? I sure didn’t expect one. Plus, if he had said it from the get go, you’d likely still blame him anyway. The election was blatantly rigged. How are you OK with this? Stolen? I do know that he truly does believe the election was stolen. What’s your problem with him saying “massive voter fraud”? You do know there were more voting machine malfunctions in this election than in history, particularly in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona, where he lost by a combined total of 40,000 votes, right? This combined with the Democrats being avidly against voter ID laws (wtf?), all the sh*t they pulled during his presidency and the election, and the fact that they 100% colluded with Twitter and the FBI to shut down a political opponent are reason to be suspicious, and you’re either naive or have Trump Derangement Syndrome if you think otherwise. If you’re OK with the collusion, then you’re just as guilty of promoting the things you claim to be against. Period. Do I think it was “stolen”? I don’t have proof, so I have to say no. But I believe the suspicion is 100% justified on his part and the protesters’ part. Moot point because anyone who’s OK with the Dem collusion is a sad excuse of a human being. I really can’t believe there are people who turn a blind eye to that. Banana republic.

Is it a crime to call an election illegitimate? I don’t know. Is Hillary in prison for calling the 2016 election illegitimate? Is anyone in prison for anchoring a campaign-sinking story that was legitimate the entire time? What I’m tired of is the double standards, every f*cking week. The Republicans get punished and brutalized in the media for doing the exact sh*t that the Democrats get away with, and Republicans get called conspiracy theorists, bigots, “tin foil hats” unless they put up with it. If we could hold both sides equally accountable, I wouldn’t have a problem with any of this. But we don’t. I’m not singling you out per se, but anyone who’s OK with that double standard should be ashamed of themselves.

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RE: Honest question for Trump supporters - LSUfaninTN - 09-15-2023, 08:10 PM

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