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Honest question for Trump supporters
(09-15-2023, 09:24 PM)hollodero Wrote: Reading this tirade time and again, I wonder two things. 

First, what should the FBI have done regarding this laptop. I'm actually curious about that one. Give a press conference a few days before the election, informing the public that they have a laptop of Hunter Biden in their possession? - Is there incriminating stuff about Hunter or Joe - we don't know as of now. We investigate it. But we wanted to tell everyone anyway for that's what your friendly FBI does, always inform the public abut our investigations first.

In fairness, they did that before. To Hillary. Could have just as easily done it with Trump back then, who had an investigation against his campaign running, but in the stupidest conspiracy move ever they forgot about that.

Second. If twitter is merely a democratic outlet, how comes they let Trump spew out whatever he pleased for years on end? The stuff Trump wrote would have gotten every one of us banned a thousand times. Already back when he was first running, he should have been banned. When he told me to check out a non-existing porn tape of some women he did not like, for example. Anyone else pull that shit on twitter once and we're kicked out. Trump, however, could keep using twitter as his probably most important channel to the world and break their terms of service a million times while doing so. Why? How? Are these twitter operatives the dumbest conspiracists ever too?

Dude. Are you serious right now? Have you ever even been on Twitter in your life?

1) If twitter is merely a democratic outlet, how comes they let Trump spew out whatever he pleased for years on end? No What is this "if"? 98% of them voted Democrat and there have been messages between admins that were released after Elon bought it on what excuse they would use to silence the Biden laptop story. Public info. How come they let him... because he wasn't taken seriously, then, immediately became the president of the United States. He had what, 50 million followers on Twitter? You can't silence those tweets, you can only bury stories. Which is what they did. 

2) The stuff Trump wrote would have gotten every one of us banned a thousand times. Anyone else pull that shit on twitter once and we're kicked out.. Dude, you are so off the mark on this one it's truly staggering. Twitter colludes by A) silencing stories B) making conservatives less visible. Both of these they are confirmed of doing. Trump never posted stories that everyone hadn't already seen yet, no point in silencing those, especially if it's not 2 weeks before an election. You also can't make him "less visible" no matter how hard you try because he was front and center for a decade. You get a suspension or a warning for extreme hate speech, or pulling a Kathy Griffin and showing the president's head on a pike. She's back. He did nothing like that. Calling Rosie O'Donnell is not hate speech nor is it a threat. You've clearly never had a Twitter or even seen it.

3) First, what should the FBI have done regarding this laptop. I'm actually curious about that one. Give a press conference a few days before the election, informing the public that they have a laptop of Hunter Biden in their possession? Let the story get the same TV time as the Russia collusion. They shouldn't have lied to Twitter and say it was disinformation when they knew damn well it wasn't. This is public info, man. If your TDS is so bad that you choose to ignore it I can't help you. They lied to get Biden elected. Does that make sense now? And they knew it was disinformation because there was no new investigation conducted from 2 weeks before to 2 years into Biden. Did they release the Russia story before the investigation? Yes. So your point is total stupidity. Do you know how powerful the FBI is? You honestly think they wouldn't investigate something as serious as a Presidential candidates son taking bribes from our biggest enemy? This is public knowledge dude. They f*cking lied. They had had this story for months. Maybe you should stop lying to yourself. 

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RE: Honest question for Trump supporters - LSUfaninTN - 09-15-2023, 10:52 PM

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